SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Odd behavior with local correct

I am organizing my music by major genres, and for the most part this script works well:

     return value.length > 0 ? value + sep : '';
 function ifnotempty2(value1,value2,sep){
     return value1.length > 0 ? value1 + sep :value2.length > 0 ? value2 + sep:'' ;
folderseparator + genre + folderseparator + ifnotempty2(albumartist,artist,folderseparator) + originalyear + ifnotempty(album,folderseparator)
 + (disctotal>1 ? discno  + folderseperator : '') 

But for some reason this randomly does not work. It has happened on a few files here and there, and when it does fail it takes on the attributes of the current folder that it is in. So if I am on /Desktop it would create a new subfolder called /Desktop in the new location.

I thought this may have been corruption of a few random older files i had, but I just ripped a CD to my desktop, applied my changes, went to do my
Save and Move action and that failed.

In this case it was a compilation CD, but I use the same script for regular renaming, and I even tried with ticking “is compilation” off. Same results.

It’s sounds like the Base Folder/Sub Folder split isn’t right, the folder correct replaces only the sub folder part of path. Ensure you have Base Folder/Sub Folder columns enabled then use Shift sub folder to base folder if necessary to correct.

So is my only option then really to manually enter in the paths?

Also it seems that this breakage is also creating an anomaly that the artist folder creation (which I have in the script) is ignored as well so all that happens in it’s current form is it deposits the files in a single directory instead of creating /Artists/Album/ structure.

No you misunderstand me

The path is made up of Base Folder + SubFolder + Filename fields, you can enable all three in the main edit window.

Correct SubFolders from Metadata replaces the SubFolder part
Correct Filenames from Metadata replaces the Filename part

When you load songs into Jaikoz it decides how to split the path between base and subfolder, but sometimes it gets it wrong. It sounds like in this case the Artist part has been put into the Base folder part instead of Subfolder, but you can fix simply by using Action:File and Folder Correct/Shift Base Folder to SubFolder and then run Correct SubFolders from Metadata

If you have a play with it I think it will make sense.