SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Odd Artist Retrieval...

Hi I have an odd situation.

When I tag my songs using Musicbrainz, the artist name appears wrong in field.

This is best explained by using an example.

On the Musicbrainz site, the artist I am trying to tag is named “Younha”.

However, when Jaikoz tag my mp3, it spells her name as “Yunna”. It’s pretty odd because the link from Jaikoz goes to the Musicbrainz entry as “Younha”.

Could this be an issue with Musicbrainz? It looks like its tagging the artist based on the first alias… but I am not sure.


Actually the artist name is ?? (EDIT:two korean chars doesn’t seem to display on this forum)

Younha and Yunna are both just Musicbrainz aliases, it may be that Younha is the correct English transliteration but there is nothing in Musicbrainz to formally identify this all Jaikoz can see is an artist called ?? with three aliases of Yunna, Youhna and ???.

If you have Preferences/Musicbrainz/Format/Translate Foireign artist names to englisgh where possible then Jaikzo will take the first alias (Yunna), if not it will use (??)

However it is an unofficial standard that the first alias for foreign artists is their official english translation so you could probably use the Musicbrainz Edit system to swap Yunna and Youhan around.

Thanks a lot for the help! I didn’t notice that there was an option for that.