SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

NullPointerException when saving changes

Hey, I’m a new user to Jaikoz and have been trying to tidy up my mess of an audio library. The software is great at discovering and fixing issues, however when I try to save these changes, I get a whole host of errors:

Unable to save song (blah) because of the following error: class java.lang.NullPointerException

The changes aren’t saved and I seem to be going in circles.

Can you help?

Michael please email your support files using the Advanced/Create Support Files option within Jaikoz this will show me exactly what is going on.

Thanks Paul, email has been sent.

Hi Michael

Thank you, seems to be an issue saving wma files with coverart, can you try deleting images in the cover art column and then trying to save and see if that works.

Ive opened this issue

and will ensure this problem is resolved for the new version of Jaikoz, due within two weeks.

I may be able to provide a patch before this, but I cannot promise.

Thanks Paul, deleting the images has worked for now.

I look forward to the new release!

Thanks Michael

You may find that now that you have successfully done a save that if you add the automatically found images back in using Update Metadata from Musicbrainz that the save may now work, worth trying.