SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Not removing dead tracks from iTunes

I am updating tracks that are in iTunes. The tracks are correctly updated as I specify and show up as expected in their new places, but in some (but not all) cases the old information remains (but now without the file being there any more). I can delete them manually, but it’s a pain to try to hunt them out. Any suggestions?

hang on , there are a couple of improvements in the new release of jaikoz that should fix this. I was hoping to release it today but looks like its going to be a few more days.

Fix now available in Jaikoz 2.8.2

I think this problem may still exist. What I get (Jaikoz 7.1.1) is:
I rip a CD and notice that the Artist for each track isn’t what I want.
I open the tracks in Jaikoz, and swap the Artist and Album Artist fields
I fill in what I want in the Artist fields and save.
Then what I see in iTunes (12.0.1) is two sets of track entries:
The original track entries, but with files in the trash
The updated track entries, pointing to the right files
So it appears that Jaikoz is deleting the old files, but not the iTunes catalog entries. I can clean up iTunes by selecting the old entries and deleting them. BUT there is a trap here: if iTunes follows the Delete confirmation with a Delete Files, DON’T DO IT because it will also delete your brand new files!
(That’s why it would be great if Jaikoz were able to delete the dead catalog entries as well as the old files.)

I am seeing this too. Jaikoz 8.0.1 and iTunes I make a correction using Jaikoz and then there are two entries in the iTunes catalog. If I do get info on the file it sometimes in the trash and sometimes points to the same file. I think the former is when I am deleting a duplicate file and the later when I am just changing a file.

Mine was working fine Version 8.3.4 but now it is doing the same thing as above I make changes that then moves the file but the old link stays behind that is a dead link and I get the new link that Jaikoz creates.

When I click on the link in iTunes it shows dead and I just delete it but it was deleting itself???


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