SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

not recognised as audio files, they may be corrupt

Here is an odd issue I am running into. I am hoping you can help me figure out why it is happening. I use a few programs to tag my music as they all offer different functionality. Though jaikoz is the core one I use in all my tagging. I am seeing issues with being able to not load files in to jaikoz that were loadable in it before, after tagging them with another application. Both apps have been updated so I am not sure which one is causing the issues. Here is what I am doing.

I can load a bunch of folders of music into jaikoz. They all read just fine. I then go and edit them to clear out any useless information that might already be in the tags and save them in jaikoz. I then load them into the latest version of The Godfather to verify the tag info with amg. This tags it off of allmusic and throws in all the additional fields like tones, styles, theme, type, label, etc. The odd thing is now about half these files wont then load into jaikoz. They come up with the warning: “WARNING: The following audio files are not recognised as audio files, they may be corrupt:” I can’t be totally sure, but it appears that it may only be the files that it had found and put info in some of these additional fields.

The crazy thing is that these files are still readable by all the other taggers I use out there as well as all the other players I have. There seems to be no issues with the files themselves. I have been trying to figure it what is going on. I think I have narrowed down the area somewhat that is giving the problem. I can load the files into media monkey. I then can go in and edit the properties of the tags. If I go to the Details tab, I can clear out all the info under Involved people there. Once that info is cleared out, the files load just fine in jaikoz.

I have enabled logging in jaikoz and all it tells me is that the files are not recognized as audio files, it doesn’t give any additional details. Any ideas as to what info can be thrown into tags to make jaikoz not see it as an mp3 any longer? If it would help, I can send you one or more of the files.

Hi, yes sounds like Jaikoz has an issue with one of the fields , possibly the Godfather is writing it in a nonstandard way that is exposing a bug in Jaikoz. I need your support files because there is a probably a more detailed error in the jaikozdebug log, an example file would also be useful

EDIT:Okay Ive replicated the problem, there is a bug in the jaudiotagger library that Im going to fix, new release out soon.

The workaround is to clear the involved people list, if you have any valid mp3s that fail to load and have an empty involved people list then let me know.

Awesome. Glad you were able to recreate it. Would you still like me to send an example file and or any of the logs or other files?

No need, it has been fixed !

Fixed now in 3.8.2

Just updated to 3.8.2. Loaded that same folder and all the songs now loaded without any issues. Awesome job! :slight_smile:

If got the same Problem jaikoz just loads about 700 of my 6000 songs. I0ll send u a log-file.

Please try Advanced/Empty Cache