this is not working, maybe it never has in any version i just started using it yesterday, but i am using the beta.
not padding %discno%
There was a request some time ago to NOT pad ther discno on the basis that rarely are you going to have a release with more than 9 discs, so Jaikoz was changed to not pad discno (it does pad trackno)
oh, bummer, ok no problem at least i’m not doing something wrong.
so what do i do if i have more than 9? i manually put in disc numbers like 01 02 but it only shows 1 2
Where are you manually putting the numbers, you need to manually put them into the filename field.
If this is a big problem I could add %discnopadded% as another mask in correct filename from metadata
if it’s not a alot of work, then sure add it, otherwise its not a big deal. i was adding it to the Disc No field