SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Noon question, dealing with a large iTunes-created library

have a farily large (well ~10000 songs) all created from ripping using iTunes/Mac. I’m sick of iTunes, have a new Windows Media Center system in the house for DVDs and TV time-shifting, want to move my MP3 to that. Needless to say, I now realize how lame the default iTunes tagging is, so I’ve bought Jaikoz to try and re-build this…

Importing the directory (sans the Mac garbage files) with the MP3 into Jaikoz on Windows XP, seems OK. Ran default AuotCorrect, took a while, seems OK. But I have a big load of “missing tracks” in my albums- some closer inspection and I have songs that have been tagged in the wrong album - for example, Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here had the 3 Shine On… those 2 songs were tagged as belonging to the 1977 Flesh Animalization live album. So “missing titles” thinks I have 2 incomplete albums. Looking at the filename- I have (again, originall created by iTunes) “01 Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts I-V).mp3”, and it looks like Jaikoz may be expecting a command and no parens.

How do I “fix” this? I’ve got a huge error rate… 1000+ “missing titles” and doing all this manually is a task I am just not up for.

Send me your support files (Action/Create Support Files) and I’ll check what youve done because matching the right track to wrong album is a known issue , having a 1000 missing songs titles is not, it seems like an awful lot.

Well, I decided to re-run the Auto-corrector process… which is taking for-ever. 8 hours to check 4500 songs through task 14 (retrieve Acoustic IDs). So whenever this finishes, I’ll post the files.

Ok, Ive checked your logs.

You ran Retrieve Acoustic Ids and it retrieved 8,572 ids for 8,955 files, it also submitted some new ones. You then run Tag from Musicbrainz and it ignored 7,647 files because these already had a MbId from your first run of Jaikoz. It found an additional 665 matches, so 643 still outstanding.

So 87% of youre songs have been autocorrected , a pretty good result I think.

You said ‘The last run again marked about half of the total library as “missing”, although I think tracks are being double-counted in that and I think (unscientific inspection) that a lot of it is systematic file-naming conflicts better what Jaikoz expects from the tracks and what iTunes(Mac)/CDDB created…’

and Ive noticed you run the Missing Tracks Report, I think you’ve misunderstood this report.

This report lists tracks that you don’t have on particular albums, its not listing all the tracks that havent been matched.

So firstly, you probaly haven’t got some of these tracks because you have some incomplete albums.

Secondly, many albums are released in different version with additional tracks and the like, sometimes Jaikoz doesnt select the same particular release of the album for every track, so when your run the missing tracks report it lists both albums that have been used together with the missing tracks that have have been allocated to the other album. So it looks like there are more missing tracks than there really are.

Thirdly Musicbrainz doesnt list all possible albums and versions so Jaikoz may match your 12 tracks to a 13 track album so your have one track listed as missing, even though your 12 track album never had it in the first place.

You can fix some /but not all of these occurrences by running Cluster Albums (which you have done)
Im working hard to fix these anomlies, but it is party outside of my control because it also depends on the quality of your original metadata and what releases are on Musicbrainz.

But its not really a problem, because its only the hidden Musicbrainz Release Ids that are spread over multiple albums, the actual metadata that you are interested in such as album,title … is correct. But you can use the report to manullay make cxorrections if you want.