SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

No recordings preselected in MusicBrainz (Release Page)

When I add a new release to MusicBrainz I don’t get some songs preselected on the ReleasePage column (recordings), where Jaikoz finds about half 30 songs of this various artist CD, when I use autocorrect. At least songs 11, 23, 24, 26 and more are registered in MusicBrainz.
Of course I get a 502 Bad Gateway error, when I click next on the ReleasePage in MusicBrainz. But I think that’s another already announced bug in MusicBrainz.

I haven’t actually looked at the details of this file yet. But in general Jaikoz has to be alot surer about matching a recording in Add Release then in Autocorrect because with Add Release you could potentially be adding incorrect data into Musicbrainz and causing problems for other users, with Autocorrect you are only affecting yourself.

That’s why the tracklength is needed in the ReleasePage of MusicBrainz in the track-column and in release-column. And in the proposal list too!
So I can see if the tracklenght in both columns is about the same.

You mean track length not visible on the edit tab, you have to go to View Audio tab. yes I think you are probably right.

I mean that in conjunction with \tMBS-2390

[quote]-- Jaikoz has to be alot surer about matching a recording in Add Release then in Autocorrect becausewith Add Release you could potentially be adding incorrect data into Musicbrainz and…[/quote].
Doing that manually on the Release Page in MusicBrainz, you have to be sure too.
That’s the background of my comment above.