If I set up a new Multi Disc Album in MusicBrainz (Submit new Release) and then I want to match this Multi Disc Album on my computer with the one just set up in MusicBrainz (Match songs to specified MusicBrainz Album), this Multi Disc Album is not recognized. If I only select the last album and execute the command “Match songs to specified MusicBrainz Album” with the corresponding MB Release ID, this album is recognized. If I try to match albums that are before this last album in this way, they are not recognized. I then have to manually copy the MB Recording ID from MusicBrainz to Jaikoz for each individual track and the MB Release ID for the entire album. With the command “Update Meta from Existing MusicBrainz ID or Release ID” the individual songs of the Multi Disc album are then recognized and matched.
This is a thankless task