SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Newbie pre-sales enquiry


I’m looking for a meta-data editor to use on original sound-design and music files for a music library. I’m wondering if Jaikoz is the answer to my prayers.

I just wanted to ask if it can do the following:

  1. Import long lists of metatags from a CSV file and apply them to a large selection of audio files (MP3, Wav and AIFF format)?
  2. Take data from the audio files filename and automatically use this to populate certain meta tag fields?
  3. Copy metatags from one batch of files to a corresponding batch of files in a different format (say copy 500 metatags from a bunch of MP3 files, to the same files in AIFF format)? - or would this best be done using a CSV file?

Any other amazingly useful batch processing functions I might be able to find a use for?

Thanks so much for any help.


Hi, yes this is all possible with Jaikoz.