SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

New Tutorial Videos

Its been a while!

But we have just released a new introductory video for SongKong on YouTube

and the plan is to do a whole lot more for both SongKong and Jaikoz

But creation of these tutorial videos is quite time consuming and not something we are very experienced in so would love you guys to watch and give us some feedback before we start work on the next one.

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We have another, Intro to Rename Files, this one goes into a little more detail then the first video, which do you prefer?

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The first video is more for beginners, the second for “power users”; I prefer the second one because I have been working intensively with Songkong for a long time. Best regards

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They are both meant to be introductory but you need a bit more info to use the Rename Files task.

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Here is one for Delete Duplicates, although introductory we discuss a few subtleties that even experienced users may have missed.

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Video on Match to Bandcamp:

And an introductory SongKong video showing the following tasks

  • Status Report
  • Fix Songs
  • Match to Bandcamp
  • Rename Files
  • Delete Duplicates
  • Metagrater
  • Match to One Album
  • Auto Edit
  • Scripter
  • Undo Fixes
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All I can say is: well done :wave:

Five Reasons to trust Auto Matching your Albums with SongKong Music Tagger