SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

New to Jaikoz

I have spent a couple of days with Jaikoz and I still seem to have a couple of issues.

I opened the file for my itunes and auto corrected the whole folder. Then I saved the changes and imported them (well, they self-imported) into a fresh itunes library. The old libraries were deleted before I started.

The songs that show up in my itunes library are completely and perfectly organized; just that about half the songs don’t show up in the library. If I go to the itunes music folder and highlight and “open with itunes” they all come into the library pane and are organized, the ones that were there originally plus the ones that didn’t come up on the first import.

What the heck am I doing wrong? I have copied and erased my two identical HDDs more times than I’d care to admit, and although my problem remains, the same songs are not always not imported. I’ve looked in the on-line manual but don’t find the answer.

I think that Jaikoz is exactly the app that I need; hence my working so hard to get it right. When I do. . . !

Thanks for any help.


Hi, there are lots of variables here and I dont fully understand what you are doing. The way Jaikoz interacts with iTunes is completely different on OSX to Windows though the intended result is the same.

Also what makes a difference is:
If you are correcting files outside of iTunes Music folder or inside it
Is iTunes setup to make copies of files
Does iTunes keeps its music folder orgainsed.

What think you are saying is you completly empty iTunes before using Jaikoz (so that when you start iTunes it contains no songs)

Then you correct a load of files in Jaikoz, you then open in iTunes and only half the files are there.

Then from iTunes you select ‘Add to Library’ , select the folder again and now all the files are added okay.

This doesnt make much sense to be either but could you confirm my summary and send me your supports files using Action/Create Support Files

Hi Paul-

Sorry that I was so vague. I know it doesn’t make sense; I am just casting around for ideas to try and get a result. I clearly don’t understand how your app works yet. Here goes.

I am running OSX 10.5.6. I have an external HDD that has all my music on it (approx. 5000 songs). I opened that folder in Jaikoz and auto corrected. Then I saved the folder. Now I need to be able to import the corrections into iTunes (v. 8) and have all the songs show up in the library with all the metadata correct according to the changes made by Jaikoz. Here is where I have had no success. Not all the songs are imported into my iTunes library (roughly 50%), and the ones that are don’t seem to be corrected. I am fearful of duplicates, which is why I tried importing to a fresh install of iTunes. “Organize iTunes” is unchecked in iTunes preferences, BTW.

If you would be so kind as to walk me through the import procedure, I would be very grateful. I am certain that once it makes sense to me, I will have no further trouble. I will attempt to send you a log.

Thanks for your help Paul.



No need to be apolegetic there may indeed be a problem with Jaikoz, the hard part is pinning it down and for that I will need the logs.

I wonder if the location of the files (external harddrive) is causing a problem , what I can’t undertsand is that you say some files are imported but with old details. If there were NO files in iTunes to start with I would have thought that either files were added with the latest details or not at all, I can’t really see how they could be added with old details - where would these old details come from ?

Here’s my next steo. I, just to be safe, re-corrected the folder on the externa1 HDD, and then simply tried to “add to library” in iTunes. It, of course, duplicate every file that was already in the library. Waiting to see if the duplicates added today have the tag corrections. I made a log and I will attach it here. Hmm. Won’t let me attach the file here. I’ll send it to support email.


Next, unmounted HDD, deleted all iTunes libraries, added HDD to library. Lots of untagged files, lots of dupes. Pretty frustrated and don’t know where to go with this. Back to a PC and WMP11? Gotta say, I think iTunes is one of the dumbest applications I have ever tried so hard to make work. Most apps this stupid, I throw away.


iTunes is certainly a dumb application. Ive looked at your logs and cant see any errors (apart from one failure you to update fully iTunes because iTunes had a dislog window open and was waiting for some input from you before going any further) so it seems that it has essentially worked.
But From your logs I can see that sometimes your files are in
/Volumes/MUSIC/iTunes Music/
and sometimes
/Volumes/MUSIC/ITUNES 2/iTunes Music/
but you havent mentioned this.

By constantly deleting iTunes libraries you are throwing away any evidence of what you have tried it would be be better for you to slow down and just correct a small set of tracks (e.g 100 tracks) then we can check to see if these have been copied to iTunes okay.

So lets start again and I suggest trying the following:

Delete your iTunes Library file
Start iTunes, and check it has no Songs listed
Start Jaikoz
Load approximately 100 files ( e.g by just loading a few sub folders)
Run Autocorrecter, and make any other changes neccessary
Check in Jaikoz that you are happy with corrections
Save Changes
Now look in Itunes are all the Songs there with the correct info
If not look at the last playlist created in iTunes, does it contain all the Songs or not
Send me your Home:Music:iTunes:iTunes Music library.xml file and details of what files are missing.

Update the main problems were that:

1.Attempted to load .WAV files in to Jaikoz (but we dont support .wav)
2.Adding Flac files to iTunes (but .FLAC is not propelry supported by iTunes
3.Thought Deleting iTunes library because was deleting iTUnes Library.xml file, but you need to delete the .itb file