SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

New File/Folder renaming

I like the new file renaming abilities.

A couple of questions:
What exactly does the “bestartist” tag do?
Is there any way to do an else with the new if statement? I want to be able to say if album is not blank do this, if album is blank do this other thing…

Also, it doesn’t look like nesting if statements work. Is it possible to add this?
Here is what I am trying to do:
%genre%%folderseperator%$if(%album%,$if(%albumartist%,%albumartist% - )%album%%folderseperator%)

What I want it to do is:
If it is a single (no album field) drop it in the genre folder.
If it is a compilation (no album artist, or if it is Various Artist actually but that doesn’t look possible) put it in the album folder.
If it is a standard album put it in the artist - album folder.

For now I will do:
%genre%%folderseperator%$if(%albumartist%,%albumartist% - )$if(%album%,%album%%folderseperator%)

And make sure there is never an albumartist without an album.


%bestartist% uses the Album Artist field if populated else it uses the Artist field. This is useful for keeping all compilation tracks together.

No its very simple at the moment. Im going to replace with full scripting functionality when I can.