SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

MusicIP connection drops

Hi Paul,

First off, thanks for a great program :slight_smile:

I’m having an issue with the “Retrieve Acoustic ID” function: it never seems to get beyond 200 - 250 songs processed before dropping the connection with the MusicIP server. I can never simply select this function and just ‘walk away’ while Jaikoz checks for PUID’s for a large list (ie. 5,000 songs).

Is this a Jaikoz issue, a MusicIP server issue, or an issue with my system?

(what I’ve been doing is manually re-selecting this function after each drop, which works, but it would be nice if I could just ask once and leave the computer unattended – maybe a setting to have Jaikoz automatically re-request a list until the whole list is processed?)

Hoping for some feedback when you can.


It completely stops does it, because there is already an inbuilt retry mechanism. Can you send me your logs please (Advanced/Create Support Files)

Logs sent via email to :wink:

Looking at the logs it just looks like Jaikoz is merrily working away, and then you cancel it. Although it is unable to get an Acoustic Id for many of your songs I cannot see any evidence that it is actually failing to connect.

Have you tried enabling Preferences/Musicbrain/MusicIP/Analyse & Submit Tracks that do not currently exist in MusicIP Database so you find more matches for your tracks.

Wow, that’s strange. I’ve never cancelled a MusicIP search, ever. … an alert sound goes off and the search just stops and returns to the main screen (the “Powered by MusicIP” in-progress pop-up just disappears).

As I mentioned, Jaikoz gets through anywhere between 100 - 250 songs and then quits the search (on average it is about 175 songs). It IS connecting and finding PUID’s, although I find myself having to re-search and re-search until I’ve done this for the whole list (ie >5,000 songs).

Is it possible that too many negative queries would cause the MusicIP server to disconnect?

I’ll also try the preferences settings you suggest and report back.

[quote=mjaikoz]Wow, that’s strange. I’ve never cancelled a MusicIP search, ever. … an alert sound goes off and the search just stops and returns to the main screen (the “Powered by MusicIP” in-progress pop-up just disappears).

Maybe there is a problem then, I’ll run some tests

I just bought this software, but I have this problem as well. It’s not working for more than ~50 songs for me before it stops, claiming I canceled it. Pretty useless since I have ~60,000 songs to process. I’m running it in Linux, but I’ve tried Windows XP as well.

Also, I was disappointed to discover that it can’t handle symbolic links and bombs if I try to add more than ~10,000 songs at once. I think there are a few bugs to work out…

Hi, you are right guys there appear to be a problem with v3.2.1, I’m working on it…

It looks like MusicIP may no longer be in business. Their phone number is disconnected, they don’t reply to email, my MusicMagicMixer key became invalid for no apparent reason, and they haven’t released a new version of their software in two years. Their last blog post was a year ago and their forums are down. Oh yeah and you can’t even buy their software if you want b/c the purchase link is broken.

Could MusicIP apparently going out of business has some effect on your software working properly?

The program repeatedly drops me as well after checking about 125 songs.

MusicIP have been bought out, and they are now concentrating on providing services to businesses rather than direct to end users, but they havent gone under.

:cry: This morning the system dropped me twice before completing its review of 18 songs.

Please try Fix9 available from
and let me know how you get on

Fixed in 3.2.2

Thanks Paul. Will give 3.2.2 a try and post back soon. :wink:


I just tried 3.2.2 and successfully checked 4,000+ songs with the MusicIP server on the first try, with zero drops. :!: :mrgreen:

Great work and thanks Paul ! :smiley:


unfortunately Jaikoz still stops scanning/auto correcting my music after ~500 songs…


Sounds like a different problem, please send me your logs files using Advanced/Create Support Files

Updated to 3.2.2 and getting WARNING: MiniProcess TagFromMusicbrainz_Worker_0 having problems connecting to MusicBrainz Service, may be down or just busy, retry attempt 1
all the time is server ok

Its just telling you that a lookup from Musicbrainz failed (because its too busy) and it wil l retry, its not a problem.

Jaikoz will give up completely after 10 consecutive look ups


unfortunately Jaikoz still stops scanning/auto correcting my music after ~500 songs…


Me too. I have 3.2.2 as well, and have tried a dozen times, from two separate networks (one a T1, the other a multi-homed multiple OC3 with peering!). I think there is still an issue with MusicIP. I have tried several times from each connection, at different times of the day, but cannot get more than a few hundred tagged. I have over 18,000 in my collection so I am hoping this will get fixed soon!!!

I will send you my log files after it fails the next time (good news is that it does save the tags, so I am doing 300-500 at a time …) , but it seems exactly the same as with the original poster.