SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Musicbrainz server busy

I’ve had this happen quite frequently lately. The problem is that Jaikoz interrupts its current operation when it encounters this. When you’ve been waiting a long time for it to finish a batch and it stops unexpectedly somewhere in the middle, that gets pretty frustrating.

I’m letting Jaikoz process @500 - 750 files at a time, autocorrecting and then using “Save and Move” to separate tagged files from untagged ones.

any chance Jaikoz can be set to keep trying Musicbrains rather than give up?

Hi, it does retry five times before giving up.

However if you are finding that it fails time and time again on the same file though that would sound like a bug rather than a real connection failure.

I’d rather see it persist and wait for musicbrainz(or my network connection) to re-aquire, rather than have to start over… if it pops up that a connection is lost (for whatever reason) a CHOICE to terminate…

Are you based in the Europe, looking at the discussions on Musicbrainz it appears there has been alot of problems connecting to it for the last week (possibly because a large transalantic internet connection got cut) from outside US. I take your point on board but under normal circumstances the 5-retry system works fine, I found it only ever hit the 5 retry limit if either my Internet connection was completly down or Musicbrainz was down.

nope, im here in the U.S. but I think it’s happening because I’m on a wireless connection to my router via usb wireless-g stick. It drops out momentarily, has done so for as long as I can remember, so persisting would overcome this…

I am based in Switzerland and I get very often the ‘network busy’ error.

Just recently or for a while. The problem on the Musicbrainz server has now been fixed


Is it possible for the software to distiguish and make in a color the files that cause the problems, skip them and keep going?

No, if its a network problem then it could happen to any file, if its a file problem then normally jaikoz handles it and does continue, if it doesnt there is a bug that I dont know about that needs fixing.

what I need is for it to distinguish a network dropout and wait until its connected, then resume, or at least the option to alter the number of retries…

This could be an option, I’ll add it to the todo list. BUT I still think the solution in your case is to get a moere reliable wireless connection

I have been having this same issue, starting with my latest upgrade of Jaikoz version (2.8.0 b1053). I am on a wired connection in the US.
It does not follow a particular song or file. I am able to select the files that did not get processed and restart and eventually finish.
Hope this adds some light to the issue.

fwiw, i’ve been seeing similar behavior. very reliable wired us connection.

I have this problem occasionally too. And i think its not problem of my line.

ive got some wireshark packets, maybe usefull

GET /ws/1/track/?type=xml&limit=10&query=track%3A%22the+beckoning%22++AND+%28artist%3A%22konflict%22+release%3A%22drum+and+bass+armageddon+%5C%28disc+1%5C%29%22+tnum%3A%224%22+%29+++AND+qdur%3A%28236+237+238+239+240+%29 HTTP/1.1

User-Agent: Java/1.6.0_11
Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
Connection: keep-alive

HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 20:23:38 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.41 (Unix) mod_perl/1.30
X-Rate-Limited: 600.5 600.0 10

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Via: 1.1
Connection: close
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

The MusicBrainz web server is currently busy.
Please try again later.


[color=red]I think i exceed limit 600 request per/minute ( X-Rate-Limited: 600.5 600.0 10)[/color]

Same problem here, independend from connection type. So the problem is not solved.

what i’d like to see when it pops up “musicbrainz server busy” is a countdown to re-establish the connection and continue (without losing it’s current place) with the OPTION to quit.

as it stands now, my only choice is to restart tagging from the beginning.
Even though Im only doing 2-3000 files at a time, this adds many extra hours having to restart constantly.

This ISN’t a trivial problem…

i also did a dump and saw a 503 before seeing it posted here, after yet another case of this. i like the countdown to re-establish with option to quit idea.

i suggest that in order to make the experience as pleasant as possible for the users and as operationally reasonable for musicbrainz, you implement an exponential back-off on the countdown timer, starting with a low value.


I have this same problem, Musicbrainz server busy
It only happens when I do Austocorrect using Autocorrector, if I just do Autocorrect from Musicbrainz server it works fine.

I am using a wired connection with no issues
I am in Australia
I am using Mac OS X 10.5.6 and the latest java that Apple update sends me, Jaikoz 2.8.1

BTW this is very cool software,
Thanks heaps

[quote=kieran]I have this same problem, Musicbrainz server busy
It only happens when I do Austocorrect using Autocorrector, if I just do Autocorrect from Musicbrainz server it works fine
Really, thats interesting could you send me your logs please (using Action/Create Support Files)