Hi, I’ve just started using SongKong and love it - it’s ripped through 5k odd tracks in a morning already!
I’m trying to sort out the naming of multidisc albums but am struggling with the syntax. Basically, I’d like both disks to sit in the same folder and have the disk number pre-pended (unpadded) to the track number. For example:
Disk 1:
Wu Tang\Wu Tang Forever\101-Wu Tang-Wu Tang Forever-BlahBlah.mp3
Wu Tang\Wu Tang Forever\102-Wu Tang-Wu Tang Forever-BlahBlah.mp3
Disk 2:
Wu Tang\Wu Tang Forever\201-Wu Tang-Wu Tang Forever-BlahBlah.mp3
Wu Tang\Wu Tang Forever\202-Wu Tang-Wu Tang Forever-BlahBlah.mp3
I tried this but it doesn’t work, I get ‘undefined’ error in the affected tracks:
ifnotempty2(albumartist,"Various Artists",'/')
+ ifnotempty(album,'/')
+ ifmultidisc(ifnotempty(discno))
+ ifnotempty(pad(track,2),'-')
+ ifnotempty(album,'-')
+ ifnotempty(artist,'-')
+ title
If you can point me in the right direction that would be great!