SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Most songs - Release ID is no longer updating

I’m getting the following error for a large percentage of my songs:

WARNING: Unable to update song 244 with Id ff1d229b-95c9-4ac9-9028-bff35dc4204b because the song has no Release Id

Of course the sequential number (244) and the ID change with each warning.

I’m also concerned about having a blank Release ID when it is one of the parameters I use to find duplicates.

I saw the java error with Discogs and Release ID. Is this something different?


When do you see this error, I need to resolve that.

Regardless, the release id does not get filled in when SongKong could identify the song but not the release these songs go into the Match to Recording Only section. Typically happens when yo have Only allow Match … options enabled so was unable to match all songs in one folder completely to one album.

Previously the behaviour would have been that these songs would not be matched at all so you still wouldnt be able to identify these as duplicates if using MB Release Id.

First I owe you a huge apology. I guess it happens when I’m doing five things at once. This error was in Jaikoz and not in Songkong :oops: . I will send you the log so you can take a proper look. Please either move this to Jaikoz or delete it. I believe the error occurred when running, “autocorrect data from Musicbrainz.”

Thank you for clarifying how duplicates work. It’s good to know that you throw the song out if one of the fields to identify duplicates is blank.

Ah, well I think I explained to you above about when SongKong could match a song but not a release, more details in this post
But sounds like their is some incompatability between SongKong and Jaikoz because of it - I’ll looking into it