SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Missing Music Brain Id (sometime)

Hi, Thank you for this miracle piece of software.

It works almost perfectly and magically, buti have only one bigg issue retriving information from the MusicBran server, sometime during the upgrading of the MusicBrain ID some track where not found and the field was left empty.

I have tried to tweaking settings but is not really clear and the results was not changed.

his is very strange because the records should be in the database and happen that just one or 2 tracks for each albums were not found.

Thanks for help Leo

Hi leo

Im sorry I cant quite follow what your saying, could you try again with an example please.

ok, sorry my english is so bad…

Anyway, i have 1 album, for instance 10 mp3 tracks.

If i hit F3 i get the MusicBrain ID for 9 tracks and but one is missing.

This happens to many albums :-(, sometime the track missing are 2 or 3.

  • The album Is present on the online database
  • This happen also if i have Music IP (F2) in the field
  • I’m on Mac, 10.4.10

Ciao Leo

Ok, send me a screenshot of how the files look in Musicbrainz before and after running Correct from Musicbrainz and I will take a closer look. You could also try running Manual Correct from Musicbrainz this would show if a possible match was found for your odd tracks but with a simailrity less than that set so it would not be selected when using Auto Correct from Musicbrainz.

Got error from the server uploading the image sorry :frowning:

TTP Status 500 -

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/5.0.27 logs.

Ok fixing manually i discovered that the MuIP IDwas mismaching, putting the correct MUIP ID everything works.

Whow It come?

ciao Leonardo

Could you send me the screenshot to so I can see this please then I can give you an answer

From leonardo:This does not work: same problem


---- supposed to be track 3
Screenshot below

Jaikoz uses two methods two match tracks, lookup by the Acoustic Id, and lookup my metadata.

In this particular case the Acoustic id is not currently in the MusicBrainz database (to check select only the third record and then select View Online/View Puid at musicbrainz youll see no results), remember Acoustic Ids are NOT created by MusicBRainz they are created by MusicIP.

From your screenshot I cant see the Title field, but I can see the Artist field is jose padilla, whereas on MusicBrainz it is Sabres of Paradise so I expect your metadata is not correct enough to find a match.

Ok, there is a trick to improve metadata tollerance?

I have a really dirty library.

[quote=airhon99]Ok, there is a trick to improve metadata tollerance?

I have a really dirty library.[/quote]

Increase the value of ‘Actions Settings/MusicBrainz Settings/Match/Track Duration’ to 9 will give a few more matches, eithout giveing many false matches.

Reducing the value of ‘Actions Settings/MusicBrainz Settings/AutoMatch/Minimum Rating Required for Metamatch Only’ will get you more matches, but the lower you make it the more false matches you’ll get.

You could also use Manual Match (which shows all possible matches whatever their rating) to manually match the ones that did not match with the autocorrecter. You can filter your records to only show ones without a MusicBrainzid and you can set ‘Actions Settings/MusicBrainz Settings/Manual Match/No of records before show dialog’ to upto 200, to process two hundred records at a time.

I experience a problem when matching files to the Musicbrainz metadata. Sometimes Jaikoz doesn’t find a match even though all metadata are correct. (haven’t checked the MusicIP id though - but I didn’t set Jaikoz to only assign Musicbrainz id to files with a correct musicIP id).

It even doesn’t match when I manually add the correct Musicbrainz id.

For that matter it would be nice if I could copy several columns at a time from one file to another, for now I have to ctrl-c ctrl-z all columns seperately.

[quote=juanqui]I experience a problem when matching files to the Musicbrainz metadata. Sometimes Jaikoz doesn’t find a match even though all metadata are correct.
Have you tried running Manual match to see if your tracks are finding a match, but with the rating not high enough for the match to be selected automatically. Have you checked the tracks do exist on musicbrainz, I need a full example to see why this is happening

Existing Musicbrainz Ids arent used for trying to find the id of the track because it is assumed that you want a better match than the current match , or you wouldnt be runing the automatch from musicbrainz task on the file in the first place. But if you do manually enter the MusicBrainz Unique Id for a track, you can populate all the other fields based on that MusicBrainz id by using ’ Update Tags from Existing MusicBrainz Id’

For that matter it would be nice if I could copy several columns at a time from one file to another, for now I have to ctrl-c ctrl-z all columns seperately. [/quote]
Let me get this right You want to be able to select (for example) row0/col0 row0/col1 row1/col0 and row1/col1 and paste the forur fields into row6/col7 row6/col8 row7/col7 and row7/col8 ?

As for the MusicBrainz tags:

If I do a manual match no match is found either; while the tracks DO exist in musicbrainz… …unlike I said before it is not true all information in the ID3 is correct, however they are MINOR differences. If I manually correct them a match of 100% is found by Jaikoz.

just now I had the case of:
Thindersticks- Simple Pleasure - If You’re Looking for a way ou - 02
didn’t find any match, untill I added the t, after wich 100% match was found. That doesn’t seem right, as all other info was correct…

Regarding the copying:

I want to be able to select row0/col0 and row0/col1 and paste that into row1/col0 and row1/col1. The only thing I can do now is select row0/col0 and paste that into row1/col0, then, after that, select row0/col1 and paste that into row1/col1.

[size=7]thanks, joost[/size]

[quote=juanqui]Thindersticks- Simple Pleasure - If You’re Looking for a way ou - 02didn’t find any match, untill I added the t, after wich 100% match was found. That doesn’t seem right, as all other info was correct…
The problem is that although it doesnt have to match exaclty if you have a value in the title field the search mechanism expects there to be a partial match on the title, in this case it is failing to match the title despite the minor difference - I should be able to improve this. (BTW its not causing the problem but the artist should be Tindersticks not Thindersticks ).

I understand, I can see why you would want to do this, but some might find it a bit confusing I’ll consider it for a later release.