SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Menu / Toolbar always processing all visible tracks

"[JAIKOZ-611] - Make menu options intelligently decide whther to work on all selected records or all visible records "

I am not seeing this behavior in the Edit Pane. If I select a single cell and click “Manual Correct from Musicbrainz” or “Update Metadata from Existing…” (toolbar or menu) Jaikoz will process all visible files.

Additionally, the Context Menu options for cells have changed significantly. When right-clicking on a cell I only see “Edit” and “Capitalizer” along with copy/delete/paste functions. Right-clicking on the Song No displays a autocorrect/play, delete, action, view online, and save options.

Lastly, a Song No selection is persistent. It is not de-selected when fields in other tracks are selected.

Jaikoz 5.2 build 1118
OSX 10.8.3

Sorry, I should add that this is more of a question than a bug report. Is the proper procedure to select “rows” (eg, song numbers?) instead of individual fields? (In the past I used the contextual menu exclusively to process selected tracks… This is the first time I’ve tried selecting Song No). If so, it may make sense to highlight the entire row when a Song No is selected.

HI, yes rows nos can be selected independently of the fields in the main tables. Tasks that work on a song as a whole (such as Correct metadata from Musicbrainz) rather than a particular field (copy/set value) work of the row no selection rather than the field selection.

The reasoning behind this is that we want it make it possible to perform tasks on both selected songs/all songs from the toolbar, if we based this on field selection then a field is almost always selected so it would be difficult to be able to run tasks on all songs.

You can deselect row nods, by clicking on selected rows again, or using View/Select None, more details at

I think some time ago I wanted row selection to select the whole row, but there was a technical issue preventing me from doing it. However now Im not so sure I do want to do it, because having the two distinct selections is useful.


I actually reverted to 511 because of this and the new context menu behavior. 520 is nice with just one release at a time, but when you load many releases it’s a PITA. I still want to acclimate to 520 so I created two installs and flip between them depending on what I’m doing.

I love the rest of the upgrades, BTW. Although, your MB “1” icons could use some work. :wink:

I realize takes a while to get used to change, but don’t understand why its a PITA, in previous versions selecting row didn’t select whole row either, and even if it did it would not really change the functionality

I agree about the Match to release icons though.

Example: A while back I filed a ton of Rolling Stones, where many releases (same RG: original vinyl/modern remasters/reissues) looked the same except for the date or the label.

Pre-520 you could select the date or label range, right-click, and match that group.
520 you have to select the left and eyeball across for your selection.

It would be much easier to single out that 1970 release if the rows were highlighted light-blue when you selected the row nos. Right now I have 137 Shakira files open, and even selecting one album from the middle is difficult - scanning across to ensure the blue numbers match up with the Album fields.

Follow? Or am I missing something fundamental here?

Right, okay i didn’t think people really liked using the right-click menu.

I suppose I could add row functions back to the right-click menu, but it would clutter it up again, or maybe i could fix the row selection so it did select the whole row, though of course that would mean you would then lose any individual field selection when you selected some rows.

:shock: Really? Maybe I’m alone here, but I live by that thing. Luckily it still exists on the rownos. :smiley:

I think that the way Jaikoz handles all vs. selected is one of the larger hurdles when learning Jaikoz, so I think the way you have 520 setup is a positive step towards removing that confusion. However, the 520 copy/paste context to me is useless, minus “capitalizer”, but I capitalize with the AC anyways.

If it were up to me, I’d say yes. It sounds as though this is not popular though.

I’m not seeing the benefit of this, keeping individual selections. Is this a copy/paste thing?

You obviously have a roadmap of where you want to take Jaikoz, so respecting that and its current behavior, I think just having the rows highlight with the rowno selections would help a lot. It keeps all the current behavior, but still allows for accurate selection and right-clicks on the rownos.

If you want to make row selections by picking fields, would it be possible to add a alt+click? So if you wanted to create a row selection by clicking on 11 “RCA” fields, alt+click select them and the rownos get selected. :?:

:shock: Really? Maybe I’m alone here, but I live by that thing. Luckily it still exists on the rownos. :smiley:
Yes lots of people use the right-click menu because before Jaikoz 5.2.0 this was the only way to apply changes to just selected rows unless could remember the context shortcuts. But people didn’t like the right-click menu so the idea with this release is that they could always use the toolbar instead for both selected rows, and all rows

Perhaps its not useful, but the idea was that maybe you were selecting some fields in the main table, realize you need to do something on a set of rows, so select rows and do task, and then you can go back to whatever you were doing with the currently selected field in the main table.

If you want to make row selections by picking fields, would it be possible to add a alt+click? So if you wanted to create a row selection by clicking on 11 “RCA” fields, alt+click select them and the rownos get selected. :?: [/quote]
Yes, I could consider that.

My roadmap is not rock solid, I’m just trying to do the best I can so input is always welcome

I found it confusing when the song metadata details remained on the selected row when I was editing details in other tracks. Previously the details would change with the selected field.

Aside from adding a better visual indicator for the selected row (outline, color, etc) it would help if there was an option to link row selections to field selections. The desired behavior being that clicking on “artist” field in Song No 10 would also select that row.

eg “Row selections follows field selections”.

Im not sure I follow.

If I select a field on row 0, the detail panel shows the details for row 0, if I then move to a field or row 1 the detail panel then shows details for row 1. Any selection in the rowno column is ignored.

I don’ think this has changed from previous version of Jaikoz has it ?

My two cents here, I thought Jaikoz was broken yesterday when I used 5.2 for the first time. I was accustomed to doing the following:

  1. Doing an autocorrect on a list of songs.
  2. Double-checking them and perhaps cleaning up a couple of issues.
  3. Pressing Command-3 to change my base folder

(and then I would go on to fix the directory/file names and other things)

But right there at #3 I chose my base folder and nothing happened (that I could see). I expected all 17 songs to just automatically change to the base folder, but they did not, due to the way that “universal” function keys have changed. And from this thread it seems that this is an overall change for how all functionality of “all vs some” actions are now being implemented.

While I can see some logic in why you changed it, for me personally, having function keys that worked on “all tracks” and then selecting and right-clicking to manage a new set of functions for only the selected items made perfect sense.

I’m smart enough (heehee) to be able to adapt, but it was not at all intuitive to me on the first run.

I do love the program though, and I’m sure as I start understanding the new features, the changes will not be an issue to me.


Okay, so if you never use the rowno selections the toolbar will always work on all songs as before, the sticking point is that to do things on selected songs you need to do the selection on the row header rather than right-click the main table.

So maybe I should just add song tasks back in to the context menu on the edit table. Then we would have the same behaviour as in 5.1.1 except with the additional behaviour that if you do use the row selection you can also use the main toolbar to perform tasks on just the selected rows (or use the rowno context menu)

All interested parties please respond, so we can get agreement on this.

The rowno selection is only a part of familiarisation.
So let it like it is. That’s my opinion.

[quote=paultaylor]Im not sure I follow.

If I select a field on row 0, the detail panel shows the details for row 0, if I then move to a field or row 1 the detail panel then shows details for row 1. Any selection in the rowno column is ignored.

I don’ think this has changed from previous version of Jaikoz has it ?[/quote]

I’ll double check this when I get back to my workstation.