SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

memory management fails even after following steps

hello, i have tried to adjust the memory in jaikoz following all the steps and adjusting the heap memory and the permanent memory, i am running a decently fast computer and have 26k songs. i am trying to run them in groups of about 7500 so i can get rid of as many duplicates as possible. it usually freezes up at about 6k songs.

after i followed all of the steps, i looked at the console tag and this is what i found : Feb 2, 2009 5:05:43 PM: INFO: Jaikoz has been configured with minimum heap memory of 64 Mb, maximum heap memory of 297 Mb and maximum permanent memory of 84 Mb

i allocated xmx:900mb in the .bat and 900mb in the heap. is there anything else i should try. i really love this program, it works wonders.

also it fails to save the playlist or update the itunes library when saving. i have changed all the settings and entered the directory to my itunes library.

thanks for listening to my problems, i seem to have many of them. lol.

Hi there.

What did you put in the batch file exactly and did you see any difference in the console afterwards?

If you use the batch file you must, under windows, also really run the batch file. i.e. make a new shortcut. The menu link points directly to the executable not the batch file.
If I look at your message I think you are trying to allocate 900MB in both the batch file and in the program shortcut. This is a one or the other approach, not an and.
So either use the batch file or the commandline option in the program shortcut.
I used to modify the commandline with something like -Jmaxheap=1300000000 and could then load something in the order of 25000 songs

i entered : java -Xms150m -Xmx900m -jar lib\jaikoz.jar -l2 -m2 -f

and when i try to run the batch file the msdos window flashes for a millisecond then dissapears.

i also tried deleting the jmax heap memory modification then running it. when i ran jaikoz after this the console read:Feb 4, 2009 2:35:24 AM: INFO: Jaikoz has been configured with minimum heap memory of 64 Mb, maximum heap memory of 297 Mb and maximum permanent memory of 84 Mb

and is there anything i should look into on my itunes problems, it still brings up itunes after i finish saving, then it just closes it, no editing of the library and no new jaikoz playlist. (well one out of every ten times saves)

is there any steps im missing here, i have read through all of this a million times and am really computer literate i must have just missed something or there is some kind of glitch. i really hope there is something that can help, cuz im losing my internet connection at the end of february and need to finish this. its my source of total home entertainment lol.


The dos window should stay open and Jaikoz should load.
What is probably happening is that the command in the batch file causes an error but you can’t read it because the window closes immediately.
Can you try opening a dos window in the jaikoz directory and running the batch file from this window.
If you see any error messages please post them here.
What I think is that you need to specify the full path to the java.exe file like
“C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe” -Xmx:900M -Xms:150M -jar lib\jaikoz.jar


i tried specifying the whole java path, and still nothing but a quick msdos flash. what do you mean when you say “open msdos in jaikoz directory”? i am lost with the programming of this software, all i need is this one “simple” step, that seems to be holding me down lol.