SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Memory issue, Tagging issue

Hi, I’m not a Java programmer and don’t have an SDK, so modifying Java code is somewhat out of the question for me.

I have 12GB of RAM and get a memory error about 1000 songs in of my 20000 song collection on my Win 7 x64 machine. Furthermore, of the songs that are tagged (the 1000), I get entire albums by 2pac labelled as “Blues”, and a lot of things that are essentially a mess.

Is my case peculiar? I’m fearful that this thing completely messed up my music collection. Many, many hours put into it.

Right now I’m trying my best to type this without throwing my monitor across the room.

I tried running the program again after a restart, got the memory error but applied the save changes to again the 1000 or so songs. The “saving” process was taking WAY too long, so I canceled it. The program stopped after about 30 minutes. I went to the directories containing all my music.

80% of my songs are gone.

The 20% of the songs left are foreign characters under every tag. All a scrambled mess.

This better not be happening right now.


So I’ve figured out that the program moved all my songs from G:\Music (my storage drive) to C:\\My Music as it worked on them. The memory error wasn’t a memory error as much as it was a space one since my SSD as the system drive is way too small to fit my music.

All the music tags are still plagued with foreign jibberish.

Please fix your program. I’m never using it again until you do.

Hi, the foreign jibberish problem is a bug in Windows 7 NOT Jaikoz, please see If you look at your songs in another application such as Winamp you’ll see they display ok, and by modifying the settings as describe din the post you can get them to look okay in Windows 7 as well.

Have you increased your memory settings, Jaikoz will only use 1/2 GB of RAM unless you increase the memory allocated to it as described in the help.

With the default setup of Jaikoz files are not moved, so if your songs are being moved from G:\Music to C:\\Music it must be because of something you have changed but without your logs I cannot see what.

I think it will be fine.

The sound of the songs is used to generate an acoustic identifier, by which tags are fetched.

So you could actually wipe all tags and generate random filenames, run jaikoz (or other programs), and end up with almost every song correctly identified, named and tagged. :slight_smile:

EDIT: Also what Paul is talking about in regards to memory, is as simple as changing your jaikoz-shortcut to execute:

"C:\\Program Files\\Jaikoz\\jaikoz.exe" -Jmaxheap=1024000000

, which gives it a GiB of ram instead of the default 512 MiB.

I’m not saying there isn’t an issue, but Genre is so subjective and people put in lots of dumb stuff (dumb to me, anyway).

Obviously, 2pac isn’t Blues, but if you launch Jaikoz in fire-and-come-back-later mode over a whole collection, there are going to be a few mismatches.

You’re right, the moving of my files was an unrelated problem. My apologies.

So I’ve raised the memory to 1.5GiB and am running the program.

I’m about 1500 songs in, and the Java program running the software is acting like a memory leak on my system processes. It’s just steadily going up, so far at 800MB… I suppose I’ll let you all know what the outcome of this is going to be when I wake up tomorrow…

The program froze completely at step 12/13 about 10000 of the 20000 songs. The program was using about 1.02GB at that time. So nothing saved – probably for the better :roll:

get your logs and send them in.

You are running out of Permanent Memory, this memory is used to store strings of text, and its bit unfortunate because it doesn’t normally run out and its a bit awkward to modify it.

You cannot modify Permanent memory for Jaikoz.exe, but you can modify it for Jaikoz.bat, by modifying the MaxPermSize value. In fact this is already set higher so try running Jaikoz.bat instead of Jaikoz.exe

Alright, I’ll try that out. Will I have to expand the memory via shortcut for the .bat as well?

What can be said about the thousand or so of these:

The Jaikoz.bat file has the same heap size as Jaikoz.exe but twice as much permananent memory. If I was you i would increase the heap memory but just to note from the log you sent me you did seem to temporarily increase it and reduced perm memory, then went back to defaults again.

May 23, 2010 12:10:05 AM: INFO: Jaikoz has been configured with minimum heap memory of 64 mb, maximum heap memory of 386 mb and maximum permanent memory of 86 mb
May 23, 2010 12:15:14 AM: INFO: Jaikoz has been configured with minimum heap memory of 64 mb, maximum heap memory of 386 mb and maximum permanent memory of 86 mb
May 23, 2010 12:15:45 AM: INFO: Jaikoz has been configured with minimum heap memory of 64 mb, maximum heap memory of 1,384 mb and maximum permanent memory of 64 mb
May 23, 2010 11:42:56 PM: INFO: Jaikoz has been configured with minimum heap memory of 64 mb, maximum heap memory of 386 mb and maximum permanent memory of 86 mb

Musicbrainz is getting more traffic then it used, but because Jaikoz has a rebuilt mechanism allowing up to ten retries the only effect is to slow things down a little.

Musicbrainz are taking steps to rectify this.

Well, I appreciate what your program tries to do, it’s just Musicbrainz is a mess. There is a very weak standard of formatting. Just about every single album/artist/song is affected in some way:

  • Genres are just plain wrong. I’ve never heard of a genre called “Music I Own” for an alt-rock band or “Emotional” for a hard trance album.

  • Titles are frequently a mess. 80% of them are “[artist] - [title]” or “[track]. [title]” in the title field. A couple cases are “[title] ([album])”. One Air album I have has “[track] - [artist] - [album] - [title]” in the title field. Another album lists tracks like this: " , [title]". Just absolutely no consistency.

  • Track numbers, something that should be straightforward, are usually disastrous. Some (particularly multidisc) albums have tracks numbers like “101,” “201”, etc, even though there’s a field in ID2/3 tags for disc number. In the case of 10 out of the 11 albums I have for one artist, every track number was labeled as “2”, just randomly.

The only thing decent I would say about MusicBrainz is that featured artists are generally consistently labelled as “(feat. [artist])”.

Weird. I don’t have the same problems you have with title.

Genres are all over the place though. I wish had an API. While I do not 100% agree, it seems to be one of the places I would use for an authoritative baseline source.

Musicbrainz tags are not exclusively for genres sometimes users add tags that are not useful to other users. Jaikoz does let you filter these through a blacklist at Preferences/Remote Correct/Genres but some ones do slip through that aren’t useful.

However Jaikoz also get genres from Discogs when it can and these are of a high standard. If you are finding the Musicbrainz genres more trouble then it worth you could disable them using Preferences/Musicbrainz/Auto Format 2/Genre option.

In Jaikoz 3.6 there are a number of preferences for fine tuning genres, a beta was due out this week but has been delayed until next week.

I think you are getting confused here, are you talking about the filename or the the title as shown in iTunes per chance. iTunes defaults to the filename if there IS NOT a title field so it looks like these songs were not actually fixed by Jaikoz.

Ive never seen tracks allocated numbers like 101 by Jaikoz, can you send a screenshot as evidence of this.

It might seem odd to you, but I should mention that my library is meticulously done in my own way now and before I got any software program to give it a do-over.

Track names, track artist (featured artists come after a semicolon), album artist, year, minimum 500x500px album art (MUST be a square), track #, disc #, genre and album name are all manually fixed on 90% of my library (the other 10% I haven’t gotten around to yet specifically in regards to album art ONLY). I’m OCD when it comes to this.

The reason why I got Jaikoz is because I’m unhappy with the way I used to do my genres. I had a preset of 15 genres in which I would categorize all my music into, but now, I have too much music to efficiently browse through these categories. I (idiotically) figured I’d just give (most) of my fields a complete do-over automatically, hopefully writing over any inaccurate information I made.

I’ll look into this.

As mentioned above, all my titles were correct. Somehow, they were removed, perhaps with the filename. Either way, the autoupdate did more harm here than good.

I use the Zune software.

I would, if I remembered which few albums it was. I honestly don’t want to spend another 48 hours leaving my computer running over all my music completely over again unless I know I’m doing it completely absolutely right. Which will probably be awhile.

However, the albums in which every track number was labeled “2” (which, I think, is a hell of a lot worse than “101,” “102,”) was every 2Pac album except for “Strictly 4 My Niggaz”.

Does the title look correct in Jaikoz or not, because that is what would have been written to the title field, just viewing the tracks in Zune adds another layer of complexity to the problem. All I saying is the Musicbrainz database is very accurate and there is no way you would have got a title as described from a Musicbrainz lookup.

[quote=raiser roofer]
However, the albums in which every track number was labeled “2” (which, I think, is a hell of a lot worse than “101,” “102,”) was every 2Pac album except for “Strictly 4 My Niggaz”.[/quote]
Lets see a screenshot of this within Jaikoz please.