SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Memory Errors

I have been trying to run a database of 20,000 files or so through this program to correct duplicates and ID3 tags.

I am running under windows 7 but I assume the java application won’t care to much since it is vista compatible. If that is incorrect please let me know. I have been receiving the standard memory errors (running out ect).

I have taken the steps listed in the manual to increase the private memory size to the application.

According to the manual
[b][quote]"3.5.1. Jaikoz.exe

Find the Jaikoz.exe shortcut in your Start menu,right click and select ‘Properties’

Edit the value in target using the -JmaxHeap parameter. For example if the target field currently contains C:\Program Files\Jthink\Jaikoz\jaikoz.exe", change to C:\Program Files\Jthink\Jaikoz\jaikoz.exe" -Jmaxheap=512000000 sets the max memory to 512 megabytes. "[/quote][/b]

I have made this changeto the target path:
\Jthink\Jaikoz\jaikoz.exe" -Jmaxheap=2048000000

This is an attempt to increase the memory size to 2gb of the total 4gb available. I am dedicating this pc’s primary task to this to increase effeciency. I have also attempted to modify the .BAT file to increase the memory available in that way:

[b][quote]"3.5.2. Jaikoz.bat

Within the Jaikoz.bat file , the line parameter-Xmx300m sets the max memory in megabytes, adjust this value and run Jaikoz.bat for it to take effect"[/quote][/b]

My edit to the file was:
java -Xms150m -Xmx[color=red]2048[/color]m -XX:MaxPermSize=150m -jar lib\jaikoz.jar -l2 -m2 -f

My questions are:

  1. when the .BAT file is run does it start the program or change background config files to change the startup of the next program execution?

  2. Am I writing the Target path incorrectly or am I simply trying to use to many files at once for this program?

Thanks for any answers taht can be given I will provide more info on the machine as needed.

[color=blue]Java 6.0.190[/color]



Hi, its sound like you are doing it correct and that should be meore than enough memory.

So first of all check your memory changes have taken effect, start Jaikoz and look a the first lines of the console tab in the detail panel this should tell you how much memory Jaikoz thinks it has allocated.

If its not correct, please review your modifications

If its okay, there may be an issue with a particular file, please go to Advanced/Create Support files and email me the zip file, this will show the cause of any memory errors since you installed Jaikoz

I have the same issue. Can’t load not more than about 31000 mp3 songs with this bat-file and it seems to me that it depends more or less on the amount of metadata in the files.

“C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java” -Xms300m -Xmx1300m -XX:MaxPermSize=150m -jar lib\jaikoz.jar -l2 -m2 -f

I’m running Windows 7 64bit with 8Gbyte. If I increase -xmx or MaxPermSize the bat-file won’t start Jaikoz.

So, to use “Cluster Albums”, I can only do it for a small part of my collection

Do you know the reason, why I can’t set the -Xmx parameter not higher than 1300 ?

But are you running Java 64bit ?
I expect you are running Java 32 bit, and like other 32bit programs has a total memory limitation of 2GB, so I expect this is what is preventing you increase these values.

Where do I find JRE 64Bit for Windows 64Bit x86? I couldn’t find one. Can someone give me a link to download?

From the Platform dropdown select Windows X64

Thank you


I would love to follow these steps to view more detailed info on what system allocations are being made by the program but I am unsure how to view the details panel or the console tab. Can you give me a hint?


Ok I just got the 64 bit Java going and verified it in the log files that I created from the Advanced Tab. I used the Batch File and it started successfully with the 2048mb or memory allocated in the [color=red]-Xmx400m[/color] line in the bat file. I loaded or am attempting to load the remaining songs in my library which should only be about 12,000 but so far it is running faster on the native 64 java version you recommended previously.

I also see that when you start the program with the BAT file I see the CMD prompt [terminal] window is open and displaying the same data I see in the log file or near enough. I assume that this is the console window you were referencing but I would still be interested in knowing the extra information that may or may not exist in the program background.

Thanks for your help I hope this helps anyone who is seeing the same issue understand as well.


By the console I just mean that when you start Jaikoz there is a panel at the bottom of the table view with tabs labelled Summary, Info …, Console.

Click on the console tab and it shows you how much memory has been allocated to Jaikoz at startup so you can check you have configured the memory settings correctly. (This information is also written to the logs that are zipped up when you use Advanced/Create Support Files).

However it doesn’t give additional information about memory allocated as you use the program for that you would need to use a separate analysis tool.