SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Matching songs in MusicBrainz initiated through "Submit New Release"

I have sent many new releases (compilation) to MusicBrainz with Jaikoz.
There was a short time. that some of the songs on a compilation CD were automatic matched in the Release Editor on the Recording Page of MusicBainz.
Now in the last time, there was never an automatic match in all the many cases I have sent a new compilation release to MusicBrainz. I have to use the Change button all the time to select the song from the proposal list and many many songs matched the ones that were registered in MusicBrainz.
In the moment I don’t know, if this only happens to a compilation.
Paul, I know you made the matching stronger, but now it’s too strong.

Okay, I’ll take a look (and I share your pain at trying to use the Recording tabs for matching tracks to recordings)

Thank you for the compassion.

Sorry Ive found a silly bug, it will only find any recordings when you have at least two release groups that match release title when it should only need to match one. I think this is the cause of your problem and is fixed for next release.

Fixed in Jaikoz 4.3.0 Beta now available