SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Match to release matches incomplete albums

Don’t know if it’s “by design”, but the “Match to release” feature returns true even for incomplete albums…

If it’s not a bug, I would give my strongest vote for a notification that the album matched against is not complete!

i 2nd this as well, it would be huge help to know which albums are complete vs incomplete… as that is one of my tasks, moving all the incomplete albums to one place, the completes go to another.

So at the moment you only have 8 songs of a 10 album release, you run Match to One Release on those eight songs, it correctly matches the eight songs to the release but doesn’t inform you that actually you don’t have the whole release.

I think it is correct to do the match, it would be very annoying if Jaikoz didnt let you match to the 10 song album even though it is the correct album just because you don’t have all the songs. But I think I could add a warning to the logs and if Preferences/Show Information Popups was checked a popup window as well.

Agreed - many people would feel it stupid to not match just because some tracks were missing…

But to other it’s worth a bucket of gold to know that there are missing tracks! A notation in red added to the existing popup would be lovely!

Also, do you know about Report/List Missing Songs for Albums this does exaclty what you want for your whole collection.

Yes, I know about that, I use it all the time :slight_smile:

But I believe it’s such a small change of code (?) - making the process a bit faster and easier - and force more people to realize they don’t have a complete album!

Hey, not a biggie, just an observation :slight_smile:

Don’t get me wrong - my posts are not criticism, just suggestions to make a priceless applications even more priceless! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

There have been a few times in the past where I wish there were a similar feature. At the time I was focused on such a specific task, but afterward I couldn’t see the benefit of it (I was thinking of highlighted orphan files). I now show the “total tracks” column next to the “track no.” column so that I can match releases easier.

However, I recently suggested a “Tracks Selected” feature that would show how many items are selected and could be quickly compared tot the “total tracks” field. (