SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Match to musicbrainz release with no metadata

Sometimes I split a single album wav into flac tracks or convert to mp3 for my mp3 player and I used to be able to just match to a single musicbrainz release even with absolutely no metadata but now it seems to require that at least artist, album, and track numbers be present. Even if I go look up the release myself and specify it, it still won’t match it until these fields are populated.

Well, Jaikoz needs something to search with. I usually get the AcoustIDs first, then the AC or Match to One will easily pick up the rest. This is usually when I forget to pick CDDB when ripping a disc and everything is blank. :oops:

It should get the acoustic ids and then match but it won’t unless there is other information. It can generate the acoustic ids from nothing but the files.

I’m confused. So you can get AcoustIDs from nothing, but it still won’t match after that? Or are you running the AC and expecting the AcoustIDs to fill in before the other stuff?

IIRC, in the default AutoCorrector todo list, AcoustIDs are found later in the list. If this is your case, AC would have to run twice to get the other MB and Discogs metas.

Yes, it will generate puids that are used to get the acoustic ids and then it will match against a release based on the acoustic id. Or at least it should work this way and has in the past, just no longer.

Have you tried

Correct Metadata from Musicbrainz


Match Song to One Release

Im interested to see if it works for one but the other.

Tried both neither work. Also, this isn’t limited to any single release but any release that has no metadata

Wait, wait, wait. Is splitting WAVs similar to splitting FLAC/CUEs, or is it a bit more rudimentary?

What I’m wondering is if the track lengths are varying too much and falling outside the constraints for matching. If you do a ManualCorrect, are your times very far off from what it’s wanting?

I’m starting to see what you’re doing now along with what you said in the Wishlist. It looks like you’re keeping HQ albums as one file, but want the functionality of tags just for display reasons on whatever portable device. You don’t need the intelligence, just the “shininess”. If that’s the case, I can see the need for meta-only in your Wishlist. At first, it sounded like you just wanted to force songs to be what they’re not, correct or not.

What about if you run Retrieve Acoustic Ids first, and note in this version of Jaikoz only Puids are used for matching not AcoustIds. Do the puids you get actually match to songs on the release in Musicbrainz, have you check on the MB website ?

It is basically the same process as splitting FLAC/CUE which I also do. The times are whatever is in the CUE sheet as split by shnsplit on Linux. I can’t say that I’ve verified every time it fails but of the ones I have verified they are usually right on the money or very close to at least one release on MB.

Updated, answered the wrong thread :wink:

I will check the PUIDS against musicbrainz.

Okay Match Songs to Specified Musicbrainz Release was dealt with in

Now concentrating on Autocorrect Metadata from Musicbrainz if metadata matching fails at release and track level Jaikoz will end up doing a Acoustid match.

Then if it finds a match and your song has some metadata it then scores and requires some kind of match otherwise your song could be matched to completely the wrong song because Puids are not unique, multiple songs that sound completly different can generate the same fingerprint and hence Puid.

However if your song does not have key metadata to match with then it is very difficult for an acoustid to get a score. So if your song has an empty song title or album title then no minimum score is required, the logic being that the metadata in your song is so poor there is no chance of a metadata match so its worth the small risk of using an incorrect acoustic id match in order to get an acoustid match.

Now Im guessing in your case your songs have very poor metadata but do have something for both the album and title fields causing a score to be required. If this is the case the workaround is to empty the title or album field before matching. But one thing Ive realised is that generally in my code I treat title such as ‘Track 1’ , ’ Track 2’ as empty as unlikley to be the real track name but in this particular code path I dont do that so I’ll add in that extra logic.

Paul, do you think AcousticID would do it better?

Yes I think so, but it could still happen