SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Match specified album musicbrainz not working good

I had this problem a few times for every coffret I have (20 to 50 cd) :

I load the album and try an auto correct.
Only a few cd are recognized to be part of this album.
If I take the cd one by one of thus album and try a match to specified album, the cd is generally recognized but not every time. (unable to find a suite …)
In this case if I take 1/2 or 1/3 of the songs of a cd they are recognized.

at the end with a lot of manipulation all the album and it’s cd are recognized

but in a few times, If I made a report of the missing songs
I have a list of missing songs (they are pr�sent !)

at the moment I have 299 songs, and the report says contais 299 tracks 4 are missing.
I save and reload
If I take a look I can see that theses missing files have the same title and track number. (it was not the case at the beginning)
I make an other research or match for this files and they finally get the good name and release

Hope I was clear

Now I’am stuck for a similar problem and I’am going crazy:

A coffret with 50 CD.

  • I had to make the “Match specified album musicbrainz” cd by cd.
    but a the end, I have 49 files with a similar problem :
  • every song with the same name (and different accoustic id) got the same track and title in the file name.

Blue suede Shoes.mp3
Blue suede Shoes(1).mp3
Blue suede Shoes(1).mp3

I have to select this files (by same title) and make Again a “Match specified album” so they can get the good name/disk n�

an other one : 30 cd’s

I have to match specified album cd by cd
at the end when I save I have 130 files with error :
every song with the same name (or nearly) (and different acoustic) is given the same track and disk
I have to remake the “match specified album” for every track, but I can do this only by selecting them same name by same name
and in some case split the selection otherwise I have a can’t match

what I’am doing wrong ?

The standard matching algorithm compares every single song in your grouping with every single track on the potential matching release. However for large box sets with more than 100 tracks this algorithm is too computationally expensive (consider 100 x 100 gives you then 10,000 combinations to check) so we take some shortcut to do the matching in a reasonable time. It sounds like there maybe a bug in the code here but I need your support files to investigate, please run Advanced:Create Support Files and send the zip file to support at jthink dot net.

sent :wink:

thank you

I have an other problem with a coffret.

the match works but the rename don’t all files are renamed 0.flac or 1.flac (with a sequence number), and not with the title and track number.

but, if I clear the cache, the rename works.

Hop it can help for the precedent pb.
