SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Match Songs to one MusicBrainz release

For the last few days, every time I would try and select ‘Match Songs to one MusicBrainz release’ I would receive a null pointer exception. I use this option nearly exclusively because even with the new addition to try and keep songs together in an album, when I try and auto correct it invariably separates one or more of the songs in the album out into a different album and then I have to start over and tag everything one album at a time to ensure everything stays in it’s appropriate album.

Anyway, I recently had started to tag my music again (it’s been a few months) and every time I selected to match to one release, I would get this null pointer exception. Then today, I just updated several albums in a row and had thought that perhaps the problem went away (even though no update to the software had been done.)

Upon further examination into the problem, I noticed that for albums with only one release, it would properly update and tag the album. When there is more than one release for a given album however, it always kicks back this null pointer exception.

Unexpected Problem with Jaikoz please report problem to


Upon further testing, it also seems to kick back the error on some album queries that have only one release. If the album title doesn’t match the release title exactly, it seems to give the error as well.

Please email your support files (Advanced/Create Support Files) , that will allow me to investigate/fix this.

Hi, you are right an error was introduced into 3.5.0 it occurs when Jaikoz matches to a potential release by the acoustid and that release hasnt already been matched using metadata. I shall do a new release later today.

FYI:If your songs are already loaded one album per folder enabling Preferences:Remote Correct:Group Songs By Folder Only and Preferences:Remote Correct:Only Match Complete Releases should give you better results when you use AutoCorrect.

Edit:Now available

Awesome!! Thanks so much for the update and also the hint on making the auto update work better for my collection! Both are wonderfully helpful! Keep up the fabulous work!