SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Match only one main release ID

I often see 8 out of 10 tracks that are the correct release but the other two for some reason are being set to the wrong release id. Could there be a function to just leave those blank, perhaps with a configurable ratio of matches?

For example:

If more than x% of the tracks are the same release ID, leave the mismatched track’s blank and marked for manual correction or prompt the user with a suggestion that perhaps these should be the same as the others?

Something like: “It appears that the majority of these tracks are from release …, some of the others, however, do not match, are they from the same release?” or optionally do this automatically.


This presupposes your files are in folder order, and that each folder contains one album. But I am working on some kind of solution to this problem as a number of customers have requested it. I would not want to prompt the user because one of the great things about Jaikoz is you can start it off on fixing 1000s of files and not have to worry about it stopping whilst it waits for input from you.