SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

match by album identifier in text

I’m finding that many sources of music (amongst the collections of collectors i collect) have an identifiable standard method of tagging record catalog identifiers in their unstructured text.

That is, square brackets surrounding the catalog ID. Sometimes it appears in the album tag, sometimes in the parent directory name.

Discogs is great about finding specific matches for these identifiers.

A few examples from the corrections i’m running right now:

Filepath: …/Istari Lasterfahrer/Infokalypse 2001 [spbmlp01]/Echelon.mp3
Album: Infokalypse 2001 [spbmlp01]

the text ‘spbmlp01’ is a most-likely-unique key to this album, which can then be used to populate the rest of the tags to the detail discogs has.

Filepath: …/[rmz-002] com.a - dream and hope/01 Pile Up.mp3

So, for \[[a-zA-Z]{3,6}\-?\d+\] in any field, you likely have a unique key provided, which would be really nice to use.


…and where does Discogs store this identifier I need more information please.