SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Manual Correct Tag columns

Is there a way to change the column setup in the Manual Correct Tag window?
I can move them around and change the size, but I can’t figure out how or if I can save that configuration.

no, not at the moment …

It would be nice.

Or at least think about moving the two ID fields to the end. I rarely use them (probably no human does) and they waste a lot of space.
I would much rather be able to see the track number and track length (which are off the screen for me).

[quote=oillio]It would be nice.

Or at least think about moving the two ID fields to the end. I rarely use them (probably no human does) and they waste a lot of space.
I would much rather be able to see the track number and track length (which are off the screen for me).[/quote]
The MB ReleaseID field is incredibly useful!

Another human fan of release ID!

MB ReleaseID fan here too!

How do you use it?
I can understand wanting to match them up, but I personally wouldn’t be able to match 32 random characters.
I usually us the main edit table to ensure matching as you have all the tracks together in a row so an incorrect entry stands out. And I find cluster to work pretty well for the matching anyway.

Checking Release ID makes it much easier for me to make sure my tracks are accurately tagged. With many new albums, there is an American release, a UK release, a Japanese release, etc. Track order and year may vary but Album title and track titles are the same. I don’t want to have to check multiple columns for matching.

I only look at the first 3-4 characters (narrowing column width really helps). Among the limited returns from Manual Correct, this is sufficient.

I have been playing around with Autocorrect plus Cluster as a better approach. The biggest issue I have there is undoing the compilation reassignments or promo release assignations. Timewise this is somewhat faster, and has definitely gotten more accurate.