SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Mac OS iTunes 11.2.1 freezes when Automatically update iTunes library is checked

Subject says it all. I don’t think 11.2 froze, but 11.2.1 is freezing. No action is required to get iTunes to freeze, other than starting Jaikoz when update iTunes is checked in Preferences, or by checking the preference in a running Jaikoz. It freezes an already launched iTunes, or it launches iTunes which then freezes before it displays a window. By “freeze” I mean the rainbow wheel of death for which the only cure is Force Quit.

HI, okay well I just tested with 11.2.1 and am having no issue …

I was afraid that might be the case. I am now rebuilding my iTunes Library, only because I can’t think of anything else to try. I will post when it is finished.

Also as feared, rebuilding the library did not help. How do you recommend I proceed? I have send the crash report to Apple.

Also confirmed that it is definitely something about my library. I tried the same test with a new created empty library and did not experience a freeze.

Sorry to report the same symptoms in iTunes 11.2.2.

Yes, but I thought we had decided the issue was not the itunes version but some problem with your particular library ?

Something about my library is causing iTunes to crash, but only while communicating with Jaikoz. This looks like a bug in iTunes itself that is triggered by my music collection. It only began with 11.2.1, but it’s possible that it was due to some change in my library data. However, it is still an iTunes bug, since the program is not supposed to hang no matter what data it encounters.

Can you supply a simple code fragment that is a distillation of Jaikoz’s side of the communication? As I said, all it takes is checking that box and saving preferences to trigger it.