SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Lyrics Service already marked Unavailable

The Lyrics Server is blocking Jaikoz?
Which is fine, I have other utilities capable of looking up Lyrics.

But the CNTL-1 Auto-Correct bums out not long after that message.

The dialog appears onscreen after the fourth analysis song starts the Musicbrainz lookup (i think), and then it just stops. Why can’t it keep going looking up the other 600 tracks?

At the Moment I’m running a CNTL-2 Lookup AcousticID, then CNTL-5 just a Musicbrainz lookup. Then run the first stage of CNTL-1 to correct track numbers, and capitalisation. etc.

Windows 7 64-bit - Core2Quad Q9400 2.66 w/ 8GiB RAM
Jaikoz 3.4.2 build 1075
iTunes Library of approx 95000 tracks
Loading mp3’s from multiple folders from my (sorted) iTunes Music Library, so it adds orphaned mp3 files from in there.

[quote=asc3nti0n]The Lyrics Server is blocking Jaikoz?
No its works, maybe lyrics server was just temprarily down

Would need your logs to see why it locked up, you can edit the tasks performed by the AUtocorrecter from Preferences/Manipulators/Autocorrecters.