SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Lyrics Server not currently available

I hope you get the agreement soon.
I’m waiting for the lyrics too.

what about using

they seem to have the lyrics in the html source code.

Almost 8 months now… I get a feeling this is not a priority task?

So - do you accept any help on this issue? I can donate money, code or try to get a legal agreement for you (based on your terms) - if it helps speeding up things here…

hi, sorry this will get done when its done. The point is there may be website that would allow me to use their lyrics but most don’t actually have the authority to let me do that because they dont have an agreement with the lyrics copyright holders.

Lyrics has not been forgotten.

I dont see any point in you holding of your tagging, match the songs now and you can simpley do an Update Metadatda task to update with exra information like lyrics when that becomes available.

Still would like to see that lyrics feature back online and running please :slight_smile:

Well Ive been real busy past year, just started using again. “the program that is”. haha
I thought it was me. I wish it was, oh well.

Program still kicks ass as always!

So, I just updated to the latest version, and still not Lyric support resolution?
Just asking, I have read the thread, and kind of got the jist of what is happening here.

In the mean time: Towards the community,
Isn’t there a way that we can push our collective libraries to sites like Discogs, MusicBrains and others locations that collected the metadata on their databases, and when the system updates tag info from these already licensed services, just add this to the packet?

Asking stupid questions i know

Paul, sorry to keep this old thread alive - but every other year I may pop in to say “great piece of software you’ve created”, and really - we still miss lyrics - a lot…