SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Lyrics retrieve always marks row as changed - even when it isn't

If you do a lyrics correction all rows with lyrics are flagged as changed, even if the lyrics didn’t change (as shown by the field highlighting, anyway). If a row doesn’t have any lyrics to retrieve then it doesn’t get flagged as changed.

This is with the current version. Windows Vista sp1.

Do I have a setting wrong somewhere?

Youve found a bug, but it only occurs if you unchecked Preferences/Remote Correct/Lyrics/Only populate lyrics field if empty this will fix the problem also avoid jaikoz making (normally) uneccessary lookups. I’ll try and fix for next release.


I’d forgotten about that. I had a bunch of songs come in with some kind of placeholder text instead of the lyrics (I can’t find one now, of course, and it was a while ago but it was something along the lines of “get your lyrics from xxxx. copyright 1234”).

It is interesting that I did have several songs that really did have their lyrics changed so it is good to have this as an option but, I agree, only for occassional use.