SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Lyrics not being updated

Hi there
I have just upgraded to 4.1.1 and using auto correct I am not geeting any lyrics updating.
The console message says:Jul 14, 2011 4:13:06 PM: INFO: Task 12:Started correct lyrics on 0 songs
Jul 14, 2011 4:13:06 PM: INFO: Task 12:Completed correct lyrics on 0 songs

No matter how many songs I pick.
The support log files shows:

think.jaikoz.manipulate.ExecutorServiceEnabledAnalyser:runFromAutoCorrecter:WARNING: com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.CorrectLyricsAnalyser:Started
14/07/2011 15.25.44:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.ExecutorServiceEnabledAnalyser:analyseData:WARNING: com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.CorrectLyricsAnalyser:Started
14/07/2011 15.25.44:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.Analyser:submitAndWaitForWorkers:SEVERE: ++++++ Submitting and waiting for 0 tasks
14/07/2011 15.25.44:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.ExecutorServiceEnabledAnalyser:analyseData:WARNING: com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.CorrectLyricsAnalyser:Ended

Anything I am missing here?

Do you get lyrics if you just run Correct Lyrics (Action/Remote Correct/Correct Lyrics) on its own ?

Hi Paul - yes I do! Why the difference?
Also - from the action menu I don’t seem to be able to correct only the highlighted files (as I can with Autocorrect).

Its not on purpose, there is a bug here somewhere.

No the action menu always works on all visible files, you need to use the contect menu. This always seemed better to me because you can work all visible files without having to select them first but I may change then I dont need t two sets of shortcusts (one set for running on all files, and one for running on selected files) , what do you think ?

shortcuts only for selected files (songs)

This error is now fixed and will be available in forthcoming Jaikoz 4.2.0 Beta. The problem actually lies with the Correct Metadata from Discogs task, if you select some songs (rather than all tasks) , and right click to run Autocorrect the songs that getting fixed by Correct From Discogs will not be availble for fixing from ANY subsequent task

I like how it currently is setup, where the menu commands let me utilize any command on everything that is loaded in the view and right clicking on a group that is highlighted allows me to utilize commands only to that highlighted group. I find I spend half my time working on all loaded files, and then about the other half fine tuning select files. Keeping them separated how they currently are would be a plus.

So you want to have different shortcuts as it is now.

This is my problem, you both want the complete opposite.

You know, this is a tough one. Sometimes I think I would want the menu bar to do selected files only, but this is when I load several folder/artists at once. Then I throw in a single ripped CD, and I wished the context menu was for all files.

I think a solution to satisfy both would be something like:
Click on menu bar does everything, like it does now.
Shift-click on the menu bar would do only selected.

Maybe the context could be similar, with a shift-RMB?

I dunno, just thinking outside the buns…

Another idea: A toggle button up in the advanced tool bar that says “Only Selected” so it can be flicked quickly.

I agree that the initial issue of the lyrics working only on one way should be fixed.

Far as tasks being completed on selections compared to all files, I believe jaikoz is setup in the best manner to handle both types. Some people like to always work on all loaded files which the file menu works good for. Some people like to only work on selected files which the context menu works good for. And you can even filter the display and use the drop down menu if you want a hybrid way of doing it.

I am the type that uses both selected and all loaded depending on what the task at hand is. How you currently have it setup gives the best of both worlds. :slight_smile:

Changing it so that it only supports all loaded, or only supports that which is highlighted will probably upset one side or the other. Though I would imagine at the same time it does create a little extra work having to remember to code for both tasks, like with the lyrics mentioned above.

Yes but there are two problems:

  1. Shortcut Keys, there are two different sets of shortcuts, one set for performing task on everything, and one for only doing on selected files. Trouble is because we have two sets we essentially halve the number of shortcut key combinations we have available meaning that we dont have any shortcut key for many operations, also its difficult to remember the existing combinations because they have to be more complex to differentiate between the two sets.
  2. If you don’t know the shortcut and you only want to work on selected files then you have to use the context menu, and this can be a bit more unwieldy

So my proposal is to have one set of shortcut keys that work on selected songs, however if you enable the toggle button suggested by dkoh then the Main Menu and toolbar work on all files (but context menu will always work on selected files). Additionally holding Shift when you click on a toolbar icon will also work on all selected files (or maybe work the opposite to whatever is selected in the toolbar)

How does that sound ?

I think it’s worth a shot. I like the shift+click opposite thing too. It may become confusing, but I’d like to try it out.

I agree that the context shall ALWAYS work on selected files only. That’s how it is in every other program and it makes sense.

I mainly use the mouse myself, I am not a big shortcut users, especially since they vary so much from program to program. Typically the undo, redo, copy, paste, and select all, is about as much as i use on the shortcuts as they are the same throughout most apps.

I am in favor of any enhancements that would still allow one to be able to quickly use a mouse and not only rely on having to type or use shortcuts to trigger between selected and all. The less typing and clicking the better.