SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Loss of selection/position (part II)

My routine is as followes:
Select a track and press shift+alt+f3 to do a manual musicbrainz lookup.
Depending on the result I press alt+f1 and alt+f5 to respectively do a autocorrect and a submit musicbrainz/puid pair.
The “problem” is that after an alt+f1 the selection is lost and the very first record is selected.
So I have to do a alt+f1, select the record again and then do alt+f5. Not a biggie but annoying.

More annoying is that you also loose the selection after hitting ctrl+d (delete)
So you are at record 3000 something do a ctrl+d and press the down arrow to go to the next record. Oops! You are at record 2. Where was I again???

Ok, both errors replicated and shouldnt happen. I’ll investigate further.

Fixed in Jaikoz 1.12.1 released today.