SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Losing Artwork

This prob just started since the last update. I load in new artwork and when I save the first time it changes all the newly added artwork to the last artwork I added. This is quite time consuming…Once I change it again and save the second time…it is fine.

[quote=dlk44]This prob just started since the last update. I load in new artwork and when I save the first time it changes all the newly added artwork to the last artwork I added. This is quite time consuming…Once I change it again and save the second time…it is fine.[/quote] I just reviewed hundreds of files…some it saved correctly and others were turned into one of the albums???This is costing me far too much additional time…HHHHHEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPP!!!

Sorry about that. If you go to Preferences/Musicbrainz/Format and Change the artwork field to ‘Never populate this field’ that will prevent your artworek being corrupted, although none will be added. But I will have a fix available next week, and then you’ll be able to change this setting back and use ‘Update Tags from existing MusicBrainz Ids’ to update the artwork.

Paul, This prob only applies to new artwork…the artwork that was supplied by musicbrainz and the artwork that was previously saved by me is unaffected. Also if I save each newly added one individually it works fine(although very time consuming). it is only the total save at the end which makes the conversion to the last album art…Hope this helps pinpoint the prob.

Ive just released Jaikoz v2.3.1 which fixes this problem :smiley:

Paul…Works like a charm now…Now to find the ones I have to fix… :slight_smile: Thanks for the rapid response…