SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Local correct sort title

Would it be possible to add a function to fill in the sort title and sort album fields?

It would copy the title and album fields after they’ve been fixed, and change the sort order:

'A Title'         becomes    'Title, A'
 'The Title'     becomes    'Title, The'
 'An Album'    becomes    'Album, An'

It should also remove leading (or all) non-alphanumerics from the sort order fields, such as punctuation and brackets.

Ideally, leading numbers should be changed to the written form. For instance

 '10 Greatest Hits'     becomes     'Ten Greatest Hits'

Is this possible?


Ive never actually made use of Sort Title or Sort Album only Sort Artist, when do you make use of these fields ?

Sort Title is handy for grouping together different copies of the same song (duplicates, covers, remixes, etc) where they were tagged with slightly different Titles.

For instance, 16th Avenue vs. Sixteenth Avenue would appear on opposite ends of a listing if you sort by simple title. They group together with a properly set sort title, and are easier to compare.

Helium also provides treeviews to browse by tracks and albums, and it seems more natural to use library sorting conventions.

Right, the columns are available however they are not populated form Musicbrainz as Musicbrainz dos not provide this information. I could try and create a way of automtically doing this, although your suggested method is clearly English based, what about other languages ?

I’m not sure the effort matches the reward.

What about a user supplied list of articles and punctuation that should be removed from the front of sort order?

I can see your point with writing out numbers for different languages tho.