SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Local Correct Artwork Issues

I am having issues with getting the local correct on artwork to work properly.

I am using jaikoz 3.9.1 I had recently gone through and redid all my artwork to make it all jpg and of a smaller size. I deleted all the old artwork out of the all my music folders. I then added a single jpg image to each of my music folders. Next I opened up jaikoz, selected all the artwork and deleted. Then I local correct artwork. Unfortunately it did not work. Here is what I noticed:

  1. Out of the 3544 songs I had loaded, only the first 271 songs had artwork added.

  2. Those 271 songs did not just add the new artwork, but also added the old artwork that was no longer in the folders. Not sure where it got it from. Do I have to save the files after I delete the artwork before I add new artwork? Could it be saved in the database or somewhere that I am not seeing?

  3. I had set the slider to resize artwork bigger than 500. Unfortunately there is no number indicator on where exactly that resize slider is at in the preferences. So even though I thought I had the slider right at 500px it turns out that it was at 499px so it resized most of the 271 songs that had artwork from 500x to 499px. Would be nice if the slider had the ability to “snap” into place when it is slid right over one of the marks, or at least have a number indicator to show where the slider is at in the preferences when moving it around. Ideally a text box to the right of the slider that one could enter the number manually to change it.

  4. I have a few albums that have multiple cds. I have all of the songs from that album in the folder though. For example one folder is a 2cd album with a total of 51 songs and the 1 image for the cover art. But since it has over X amount of songs, jaikoz says “it looks unlikely to be an release folder so images have not been added” Would be nice if that check wasn’t there as it is giving me false positives being that I have many albums, especially compilations, that have multiple discs or more than 50 songs. Even a few albums with short songs that have over 50 songs on 1 cd.

Any suggestions on how to get this to work?

Did some more testing. This time I deleted all the images from the music and did a save first before running the local artwork correct. Still exact same issues as mentioned above. Some albums are continuing to pull album artwork from images that no longer exist in those folders. The names of those images would indicate that they are some how accessing and using the images I had in those folders previously. I have went back into the folders and verified that those files were not there. It appears that it is grabbing some of these images from some cache somewhere within jaikoz.

EDIT: Tried the Advance -> Empty Cache option in jaikoz. Still no fix or change.

EDIT: Tried the Advance -> Empty Cache option in jaikoz. Still no fix or change. [/quote]
Unload your files, then do Empty Cache that should solve it.

Same exact problem. I loaded the files and then deleted the artwork from them. I then saved the files. I then closed jaikoz down. After I started back up jaikoz with no files loaded. I next did an empty cache and then loaded the folder. After the files loaded I did the local correct artwork. The results were exactly the same as before. It found artwork for the first 272 files out of 3544. Some albums had 2 images added to them. Those that had 2 had 1 of the old ones with the old naming convention along with the new one taken from the folder. One thing to also note is that those that had 2, the old images that were added were indistinguishable. Showing up as images that were all scrambled. This happened on over half of the few files it added images to.

Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks.

Ah, Empty Cache doesnt appear to be empyting the artwork table in the Jaikoz internal database. I think you 'll have to actually delete the Jaikoz db, please give it a go and report back then I’ll add to buglist

This is odd, so I deleted the database as described in guessing the path as I am running it on windows xp. I did this by deleting the folder and all its contents at C:\Documents and Settings\LOGGED_IN_USER\Jaikoz\jaikozdb

I then started up jaikoz and ran the find local artwork again and am getting the exact same thing. This is really confusing as to why would it be pulling a scrambled version of the old images and adding them as a 2nd image to the files. I do not have a copy of these files anymore on this system, let alone within the album’s folders. Did I not clear the DB out correctly? Are the files cached somewhere else as well? Could jaikoz have not removed the images correctly from the tags in the first place and somehow the correct local artwork is making them show up again?

Paul, any ideas on how to resolve this?

Just another update. I tried mp3tag v2.48 to do the local correct on the same catalog and it goes through all of them and does not add the ghost images. It is much much slower than jaikoz though, so I rather not have to use it. Took almost a day on one of my smaller catalogs, about 20 times slower than jaikoz. I am dreading how long it would take to do all my music. Plus it is just another app that I would rather not have to use if i can get jaikoz to do it all for me.

Please let me know if you need any further information, test files, logs, etc, and I will be happy to provide them.

EDIT: This looks like the same bug I was experiencing a few months back, see topic Back then I was able to work around it as I was only updating a few albums, but now that I am trying to update my full collection, this is really a show stopper for me.
Since then I have had a server crash and have had to reinstall a clean copy of windows and a new copy of jaikoz. The only thing that remained the same was my music files as they were on my file server. It also appears if I break down the local correct artwork to a smaller group, say just a certain artist, so that it shows only the albums by that artist, ie 200 songs instead of 2k songs, it will then grab all the artwork for everything displayed. Though it will still throw in those ghost images in over half the files.

I also clicked on the images to see where jaikoz was claiming it was finding them at. The path is the same path that the music is in, but yet the file it says it is using for the ghost artwork is no where to be found.

I am really hoping to get this resolved as I have since updated all my images in photoshop to 72dpi, RBG, and 500x500 pixels or less to make them more web friendly as well as renamed the photo files so they are more of a standard naming scheme. Now I just need to delete all the album artwork out of the images and update them with the new clean artwork if we can get this issue fixed.

Also is there a way once we get this to work, to have it categorize the art as Cover (front) instead as Other?

One other thing I just discovered. All the ghost images are 75x75 pixels. Maybe something in the code that doesn’t allow it to delete images that small? Still strange they would only show up out of no where from the local correct artwork.

You can check (and chnage) the path of the database in Preferences/General/Database/Database Folder so it would be worth checking you have deleted the correct one.

path in preferences is:

C:\Documents and Settings\webserve\Jaikoz

I deleted the folder:

C:\Documents and Settings\webserve\Jaikoz\jaikozdb

was there anything in the Jaikoz folder that was not in the jaikozdb subfolder that I should also delete? If not, anything else I should look at?

Think I may have found the issue and wow do i feel dumb. The files were not only marked as hidden but also as protected system files. So they didn’t show up in folders or even on search with show hidden files checked. Once I changed the view to show the protected system files as well, they then all appeared. I have seen some apps make them hidden before, like itunes has done in the past, but never have had them switched over to system files. No clue how that happened.

Going to clear them all out, delete my database, and then try the add again. Sorry for all the confusion. I am a little concerned as I am not sure which program would have made all these scrambled 75x75px, hidden, operating system protected, thumbnail like, files.

I am glad to see it is not a jaikoz issue. The only thing jaikoz can be accused of is doing to good of a job. Adding images that all other apps would not see as they were not visible :smiley:

Cool, looks like that took care of the issue with the mysterious ghost images. Now I just need to figure out how to resolve the last 2 issues.

  1. Why the local correct artwork only grabs under 10% of the artwork instead of completing all the way through.

  2. How to resolve the issue where it ignores any folders that have greater than 50 songs in them.

Any ideas?

Think I found a bug and discovered why the albums aren’t completing all the way through. It looks like it is stopping the operation when it hits the first album that has more than 50 songs in it. It reports in the console “it looks unlikely to be an release folder so images have not been added” and instead of moving on to the next album, it just kills the process and stops the local artwork correct all together. Not even touching any of the other albums after that point that have under 50 songs in their folders.

Okay, thanks I’ll investigate this issue

Any update on how to resolve this issue? Were you able to recreate it on your side?


Well not yet, but Im assuming what you said is correct if so the way to workaround it is deselect any folders containing more than fifty songs before running it.

Fixed now for next release, problem was as described.

Awesome, thanks you!

Any chance to make functions that skip over folders that have more than 50 songs in them optional? Can be problematic on mutli-disc sets and albums that have more than 50 songs on them. I guess one could break down each album that has multiple discs in it into sub folders per disc, but sometimes it is nice to just keep each album within its own folder.

Paul what are your ideas on this?

  1. Giving a text indicator on the sliders so that one can see where exactly the slider is at or even a text box so one could type in the exact number instead of moving the slider. This would allow one to avoid issues where the slider is set to 499 instead of 500. Or the possibility of “snapping” the slider into place when one is over a key point on the line. ie, if one is within 1 or 2 points of a marker indicator, it would fall into place exactly over the indicator as not to be off by just 1 or 2 pixels.

  2. The option to make jaikoz not ignore folders that have over 50 songs in them. It is restricting to force users to have to keep their music under 50 songs per album. Would be ideal if this was optional.