Hello Paul,
thank you very much so far for your docker Version of Songkong.
I’m working trough my Songs so far.
I have moved all my songs from different PCs and folders to the Synology and I’m trying to get them condensed to a unique set of songs without duplicates and fixed correctly.
I’m running the delete duplicate task for some days now and the task isn’t finished. Please see the attached file. I’m not complaining so far about the speed. It still runs and nothing seems to be broken.
I just like to inform you about a possible enhancement in your documentation.
I found out, that if you leave the Browser or by any other incident, you loose the actual status report.
Opening SongKong with the standard link http://diskstation:4567 brought up the page.
Selecting tasks brought a message: " You have already started a Delete Duplicates task, multiple tasks cannot be run in parallel "
Luckily I saved one task link:
With this link I was able to see the last status of the last fix task
Then I guessed arround and found the correct status link for deleting song task:
which shows me the almost actual status page.
The page isn’t really correct in the “songs Loaded” and “duplicate Groups” row, but I can se progress in “Duplicate Songs Deleted”
This helps me a lot estimating how long I have to wait or if the job is really running.
I hope this hint was helpful for you and maybe other users
Links to Process status for Synologogy Docker Version
So if you close the browser then yes you would lose the progress page but the task continues. Because http is stateless not trivial to take user back to status of any currently running task but I can take a look
I am a bit concerned about the high value of deleted songs in your status page and would be tempted to stop it to check it is working as expected.
SongKong 5.12 release will now take you to the progress page of the running task if you try and start another task.
Very good