SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

License issue

Home just refers to the House icon on the Finder, your Home how would you refer to it.

Within that just delete Preferences : Jaikoz : Jaikozdb

I’m trying to work out a better way to detect if you already have Jaikoz running on yor computer (Note this issue has nothing to with licensing its just to protect you from runing Jaikoz twice concurrently against the same internal db)

It works find late last night, but I use Itunes to gather the info, I would like to save the update back to Itunes to see the changes - I must be missing how to do that,can send the info on how to do that?

Thanks Paul


As long as you have Preferences/Save/iTunes Autoupdate enabled Jaikoz should create a playlist in iTunes of all the files that have been modified, and the changes should be visible in iTunes immediately

Paul All is working now I waiting to tell you to make sure all its okay. Thanks for your help.

Also does this program link to itunes and the webbase reqularlly or just when the users search? or checks new songs which they have put into itunes?

iTunes is talked to when you save changes (if you have Jaikoz configured to updates iTunes - its entirely optional and only enabled by default on the Mac version).

Running 3.8.3, and getting this message: “This license is currently being used by two other computers, this is the maximum allowed. If you need to use jaikoz on this computer please shutdown jaikoz on antoher computer or purchase an additional license.”. Looks like the folder is being created when I start ‘Jaikoz’, so deleting it doesn’t seem to do any good. This just started this morning. I believe I shut it down correctly last evening. Haven’t tried re-installing the software yet. Please advise. Thanks, Karen.

Please follow instructions for Issue 2 at

"Running 3.8.3, and getting this message: “This license is currently being used by two other computers, this is the maximum allowed. If you need to use jaikoz on this computer please shutdown jaikoz on antoher computer or purchase an additional license.”. Looks like the folder is being created when I start ‘Jaikoz’, so deleting it doesn’t seem to do any good. This just started this morning. I believe I shut it down correctly last evening. Haven’t tried re-installing the software yet. Please advise. Thanks, Karen. "

Double-checked the task manager, and no instances of Jaikoz are running. Re-booting seemed to help for a minute, but now the problem is back.

Karen, Licensing server has been reset please try again now

I am having this exact issue. I get this message whenever I try to use my license file on any version of Jaikoz, whether it is running on my Mac or on my PC. I’m convinced there has to be a problem with my license data on the server.

Can you reset please? Or do whatever it is that you do?

Thanks so much. Other than this issue, I LOVE Jaikoz.

Is it working for you now ?

I am still having this issue, on both my Mac and my PC. These are the only two systems that I am using Jaikoz on. If I completely uninstall the app, deleting all of the directories and files and then reinstall, the first run in trial mode is fine. It’s only after I register with my license file that I get this issue.

Attached are copies of my logs for you.


Okay, please try now, should now work for you.

Yes, Paul, it is working now.

Thanks so much!

My turn.

Installed on 3 computers, but only ever running on 1 at a time.
One XP laptop tells me “The license assigned to … is already tied to two different computers” etc.
The other XP laptop tells me “This license is currently being used by two other computers, this is the maximum” etc.
Deleting the user\Jaikoz\jaikozdb directory has no apparent effect.

The Lion Mac seems to run it just fine.

Proabably a problem connecting using two different methods (wireless, ethernet) has confused it or from a different location, it has now been reset and should work for you.

Back to life, thanks.
Yes, the laptops connect multiple ways, depending.

I just downloaded and installed 4.5.4 on Linux. When I start it complains that my license is invalid and quits. I retrieved my license.jai and put it in Jaikoz/Prefs. This time it prompts for my license file. After loading the file it complains about the license being invalid again and then quits again.

NeonScribe can you email me your details so I can check this

I solved the problem. It turns out that I downloaded the new version of Jaikoz but I unzipped an old version from my Downloads directory. After I deleted all the files and removed the ~/Jaikoz directory, re-downloaded and re-installed from scratch it seems to work. The first time I launched Jaikoz exited with a database connection error. The second time I launched I couldn’t get any menus to work. That may have been a problem with my X11 server, not with Jaikoz per se. The third time it started fine and I was able to open a folder.

One suggestion based on this experience: it would be nice if the file name of Jaikoz zip archive included the version number. The problem I ran into was having several files in my Downloads directory.