SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Just sorted with Picard

I just sorted my music library with Picard (After Itunes destroyed it)

Question is will the mp3 files then load up in Jaikoz 100% perfect?

I want to have Jaikoz repair missing fields and artwork that Picard DOES NOT fix.

Is this safe to load all albums at once and retrieve missing data if I just did this with Picard?


Yes that will work Jaikoz will recognise the files have been matched so Correct Musicbrainz from Metadata will only fix any songs that have not been matched, and Update Metadata from Musicbrainz can be used to add in additional fields that Picard does not

I do this, Jaikoz can’t rename how I like my folder structure so I have to use Picard to, but I use Jaikoz to handle all my matching and tagging.

Works perfectly.

Maybe in the past it Jaikoz could n’t, but you can use full Javascript expressions to specify your folder structure so should be able to do pretty much anything now.

Maybe in the past it Jaikoz could n’t, but you can use full Javascript expressions to specify your folder structure so should be able to do pretty much anything now.[/quote]

is the discsubtitle field supported yet?

Ah not yet, you are correct