SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Just opening files: "Changes have been made to files, do you want to save?"

How come and what gives.

I expect this is due to Save Preferences.

Make sure the Version column is displayed, now if Preferences/Save/ID3 v2Tag is set to 'Always Write Tag as v23 and you have loaded a V24 Tag then as it is loaded version will be changed to V23 and then if you exit Jaikoz it will prompt if you want to save this change.

I can see that this can be confusing, but being able to convert tag version so easily is a very powerful feature so I cant think of a better way of doing it.

I have “always save v24” checked.

I don’t see why it should be necessary to save files that haven’t changed, though.

So if you load a v23 tag, it will be marked as requiring save (to v24) because surely if you have this option set you want all your files to contain v24 tags even if you havent actually added any metadata to them, of course files that already contain a v24 tag would not be marked as requiring a save.

So if you load a v23 tag, it will be marked as requiring save (to v24) because surely if you have this option set you want all your files to contain v24 tags even if you havent actually added any metadata to them, of course files that already contain a v24 tag would not be marked as requiring a save. so this would generally happen only the first time you loaded the files (if you accepted to save them first time)

Yah, but I also have “delete v23” tag set.

So what I do is load a set of files, it nags about saving even though I haven’t done anything, I save, load the same set again, and it nags again.

Hey, there is no ‘delete v23’ option

I meant Preferences->Save->ID3Tag V1->Delete tag in combination with Preferences->Save->ID3Tag V2->Always write tag, v24.

So load, save a set of files one time.

Load the same set a second time.

No need to save anything as nothing has changed.

You’re right it shouldnt have anything to save this time, but in your case it has ?

Yes Paul, I load a set of files, there are no errors, I do nothing, I try to close Jaikoz and am told that there are changes which need to be saved, I chose to do so.

And then I load the very same set again, try to close it, and am told there are changes which need to be saved. Again.

Hmm, when this next happens could you please:

  1. Sort by Status column to see if any songs are marked with ‘C’ for changed
  2. If so display all Columns (Preferences/Table/Columns/Select All’ and see if any fields are highlighted as modified (You also need Preferences/Synchronizartion/Highlight Changes in Other Colour)

Yes, all columns marked C are highlighted as version ID3v24.

Meaning it has changed.

And it is the only column that has changed.

And there are plenty of other files having ID3v24.

Select View/Show View Pane then you can see what Jaikoz thinks the version the tag is currently for these rows

It seems to think that the current version is “ID3v1v24”.

Okay, it seems that either Jaikoz it isn’t actually deleting the v1 tag properly, or it is but the file actually contains multiple v1 tags and its only deleted the last one. I tried out the setings you have and couldnt reproduce the problem here so it may be specific to your set of files.

An ID3v1 tag is held as 128 bytes at the end of the file so what I suggest you do is open the file in a hex editor, then go through the motions with Jaikoz and see what happens to the end of the file and let me know AND/OR send me one of these problematic files.

See if you can reproduce the issue with this file: - I Don’t Believe You.mp3

Is this the original file before attempting any saves in Jaikoz or is this file after saving a number of times in Jaikoz because I cant reproduce the problem, perhaps if the later try one more time yourself and see if it now works.

I looked at it in a Hex Editor , it jut contains a V24 tag at the start and one ID3v1 tag at the bottom

I setup Jaikoz preferences to ‘ID3Tag V1/Delete Tag’ and ‘ID3Tag V2/Always write tag:v24’

I loaded the file it was shown as having tag ID3v1v24Tag
I closed it and was prompted to save which I did
Reopened the file and it now shows as ID3v24Tag
Closing again and it doesnt promote to Save Changes

Sorry, that was a wrong file.

Here is one which should be correct.

It is most likely multiple tags, because I can fix it by saving and reopening the files five or six times. - Starstrukk (Feat. Katy Perry).mp3

Yeah , looked at the file in a hex editor it had two ID3v1 tags at the end of the file, after loading and resaving the file twice it solved the issue.

You could argue that Jaikoz should delete all V1 tags rather than the just the last one (might do that) but of course files shouldnt contain multiple V1 tags in the first place.

True, but we don’t live in a perfect world.

My perspective is that of a user, where if the application tells me that files have been changed, and I haven’t done anything, I get worried.

Couple that with previously discussed issues regarding subfolders not being corrected, and filenames not being corrected, and my opinion is that a user could get a bit sceptical.