SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Just calculate PUIDs

The PUID calculation is slow, and can be done unattended for huge collections of music. I think it would be great if it would be possible to pre-calculate this offline without doing any lookups on the internet and not filling any other fields.

Sure you can already run PUID query on its own by just running Action/Retrieve Acoustic Ids. But it does require Internet access , the basic song analysis is done locally but the look up is done from the MusicIP Server, and these two cannot be split.

What I would like to see is a small tool (CLI or GUI) that simply opened one file at a time, did the PUID calculation and then closed the file and moved on to the next–just skipping any that already had the PUID calculated. This would allow me to find those that were missing PUIDs and fix them without loading in my entire library (which I can’t do all at once!).

Alternatively, a “conditional open” where I could set criteria on what gets opened (no PUID, no MusicBrainz ID, etc) so I don’t need to do the dance of "open thousands of files, filter the files that are correct, close them, add more, filter, close, … "

Shoot, even opening one directory at a time, processing, closing and moving to the next directory would be pretty handy. I pass it a root directory and it processes each sub-directory individually.

Watch this space :wink: