SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

JAXBException when connecting to musicbrainz server: null


I get the following error on a few files, repeatably when trying to tag.

JAXBException when connecting to musicbrainz server: null

My procedure is: retrieve acoustic Ids, and then tag from musicbrains. This is where I get the error.

I can send an offending file if you tell me how.

Hi, Ive just fixed this problem, it is caused by null characters within the fields being compared with musicbranz (e.g album,artist,title). On Windows these characters are displayed as a square, on OSX they are invisible, they are generated incorrectly by some tag editors/players - with Itunes being the main culprit.

You can remove them in Jaikoz by running the AutoCorrecter or the appropriate Local Correcter (Local Correct/Correct Artists, Local Correct/Correct Album …) and making sure the setting ‘Remove Undisplayable Characters’ on the AutoFormat tab is checked. It is enabled by default for all columns except the Album column (this is a bug) so you need to go to ‘Action Settings/Local Correct Settings/Album Settings/Auto Format Tab’ and enable it.

If this does not fix your problem, please send me the file.

In the new release I am going to handle the null terminator characters before the records are displayed, and if you modify the tag they will be removed on save. This is ecause the advantages of displaying them so that you have an accurate view of what is being stored is being outweighed by the disavanatges.

Doing a local correction first does not help.

I have sent the offending file to, along with logs

Ok in your case the problem is the ‘!’ in the Stop! value for title, remove the ! and it will work.

This is not a problem in the new version of jaikoz.

Fixed in Jaikoz 1.7, released today