SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jakioz hangs when I save or auto correct

Ive been trying to use my Jaikoz 3.1.0 (fully licensed) and continue to have the same problems. It seems that anytime I try to load multiple folders the program freezes at various times during the correcting or saving batch process causing me to have to cancel and force-quit the program. Then, the program still shows as running in my dock, leaving me unable to relaunch Jakioz without restarting my machine. THEN, When I go to restart my machine, my dock and menubar disappear leaving the computer stuck on my wallpaper image without shutting down. I can then only shut down the machine by pressing the power button.

My music is located on a Bus-Powered 350 GB Glyph PortaGig connected via USB 2.0 to my MacBook. My connection to the the internet is wireless via a D-Link Airplus Extreme G DI-624 Router. I have tried a complete uninstall and re-installation of Jaikoz only to have the problem persist. I’m at a loss at what to try next! I’ve attached Jakioz log files, not sure if these are the log files one would need to look at. Let me know if I can provide any further detail or files! :?:

It’s not clear from the logs when hanging is ocurring, but I can see problems saving some files giving the following error (which Ive not seen before) Bad address
\tat Method)
\tat org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3.AbstractID3v2Tag.adjustPadding(
\tat org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3.AbstractID3v2Tag.writeBufferToFile(
\tat org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3.ID3v23Tag.write(
\tat com.jthink.jaikoz.TagSaver$

The files appear to me on an external drive, can you give me more information about this ?

Hi Paul,

My music is located on a Bus-Powered 350 GB Glyph PortaGig connected via USB 2.0 to my MacBook.
Drive Format :\tMac OS Extended (Journaled)

My connection to the the internet is wireless via a D-Link Airplus Extreme G DI-624 Router.

  • Erin

Hi Erin

The Jaikoz Crash Log is from the 29th of July, but the debug and user log don’t start until the 2nd August, and the only problems I can see with these are on saving files not loading files. So if you are still getting this problem can you send a more recent crash and you can send all the Jaikoz logs using Advanced/Create Support Files.