SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jailoz has encountered an unexpected problem


Error Message:

Unexpected Problem with Jailoz
Index: 10, Size: 10

I get this error message just scrolling my files. Seems to occur at row 228. Even when selecting files scrolling down. If I select more than 200 or files.

I’m using the new version v1.11.2, but it was doing this in the 1.11.1 version also.

The windows snap open and close quickly now. The progress bars seem more responsive also. Files seem to load a little faster.

The Album Art feature sometimes downloads gray pixelized boxes instead of art work. I have to go back and delete the grayed images. With scrolling throwing error messages this gets hard to do.

Thank you,


Hi Paul,

As a follow up, after I close the error pop-up window I can scroll backwards, and then forward and the error message pops up right at row 228 again.


I really need your log files to investigate this further, I am unable to replicate the problem.

There is an outstanding problem with images with non -standard colour models , this means the image is shown but the colour isnt quite right. Not sure if this is what you are seeing or not. Could you send me a screenshot showing the image in the detail tab, and the musicbrainzid of the problem file so I can retrieve the original image myself.