SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikzo 3.8.0 Beta is now available for testing

Most importantly in this release is that the Autocorrect from Musicbrainz has had a complete overhaul and should give much better results whether you want to match compilations or earliest release, also Linux users the genpuid linking problem should be fixed - please let me know !

At this point I consider the beta finished except for the help text which has not been updated yet.

You can download from the bottom of this page

New Features

* By default Autocorrect Metadata from Musicbrainz is primarily release based, this means it will try very hard to find releases that match groups of songs, and songs already saved in an album folder or with the same value in the release field will not get split up after autcorrection. Correction is only done at the individual song level if no matches could be made at release level. Because of this Acoustics Ids are less important then they were so by default Retrive Acoustic Ids is no longer a default task in the Autocorrecter, instead Autocorrect Metadata from Musicbrainz will create acoustic ids as and when they are needed to help in matching, this can be disabled in MusicBrainz/AutoMatch/Retrieve Acoustic Ids as Required to help with matching. There are many reasons why you may want to continue running Retrieve Acoustic Ids , if you do this can be added back into the Autocorrecter tasks at Manipulators/Autocorrecter/Autocorrecter Tasks.
* Because many of the tasks such as Autocorrect From Musicbrainz and Autocorrect From Discogs work on song groups the songs are no longer guaranteed to be fixed one by one in the display order so Manipulators/Autocorrecter/Fix Song By Song option has been removed. If you want to run Autocorrecter on sets of songs at a time you can do this by filtering the songs before running the Autocorrecter.
* Cluster Songs has been completely removed because the clustering is now done as part of the Musicbrainz correction.
* But if you want Autocorrect Metadata from Musicbrainz to match to originals releases rather than compilations wherever possible you can do this now. Just check Remote Correct/Match/Prefer do not match to Various Artist Compilations and Prefer do not match to Single Artist Compilations and regardless of your existing metadata Jaikoz will only match to a compilation if unable to find a suitable match to a non compilation release. If you just want to exclude Various Artist Compilations uncheck Prefer do not match to Single Artist Compilations. These options also apply in the same way when using Autocorrect Metadata from Discogs.
* By default Jaikoz ignores any artwork found by the autocorrecters if less than 130x130 pixels in size, you can set this in Local Correct/Artwork Correct/Ignore artwork smaller than this.
* By default Jaikoz resizes any artwork found by the autocorrecters if larger than 800x800 pixels in size, you can set this in Resize artwork if dimensions larger than.
* Added Match to Release/Match Songs to Musicbrainz Release by Barcode which is useful if you are converting your physical discs/records and have the barcode available
* By default when there is a link from a Musicbrainz to a Discogs Release the song is updated from Discogs as well, but you can disable this in by checking MusicBrainz/AutoMatch/Do not Update from Discogs when matching
* Added Set Value and Paste as column menu options so you can easily apply changes to whole columns.
* Added Musicbrainz/AmpliFind/Maximum Cpus to use when retrieving Acoustic Ids, this defaults to one but can be increased to the number of cpus of your computer
* Added General/Database/Database Folder so that you can specify a different location for the Jaikoz database file.


* You can now scroll down the edit window, and tab on the console whilst autocorrecter tasks are running.
* Paste is now more relaxed, so lets you select paste and then just ignore fields which are invalid
* Now when you run Advanced/Empty Cache not only does it clear the internal database but it reclaims disk space.
* Now context menu is still available if you do select all, making it easy to make changes to all valid fields, attempt to non-modifiable fields are silently ignored.


* The context menu for Unknown and Unsupported fields is still the old one
* If you type multiple words into the search box it brings results that match any word, it should be all words
* No longer backup jaikozdb to jaikozdb.old when upgrading it can be quite large and is no use to anyone
* Update Metadata from Musicbrainz no longer works if only put in unique id without release id
* The columns menu is only available on the Edit tab not the ID3 Edit tab at the moment.
* Hangs when use Set Value and then select cancel
* Start Close Files and select Yes to "would you like to save?", then hit cancel, it cancels the Save but not the Close, so you lose all your remaining changes.
* When run autocorrecter it counts as if task done, when just started instead of when completed.
* Is Compilation flag field being incorrectly updated after correct from Musicbrainz
* Should warn about 20 file limit upfront when using free trial
* If exit with unsaved files and using free trial Jaikoz should not just exit losing your changes.

Linux Fixes

* Linux genpuid can now use the system c libraries

a little installation error.
I installed Jaikoz 3.8.0 beta and selected the language english during installation. After starting Jaikoz, language was in german. :frowning:
Checked preference and it says language english.
Closed Jaikoz and started again then language was english :slight_smile:

a little installation error.
I installed Jaikoz 3.8.0 beta and selected the language english during installation. After starting Jaikoz, language was in german. :frowning:
Checked preference and it says language english.
Closed Jaikoz and started again then language was english :slight_smile: [/quote]

Right, the language you pick during the installer just pertains to the installer it has nothing to do with the language set for Jaikoz, this is decided on by looking at the default locale of your computer or if you are upgrading it should take the value you had set previously. But I take your point it would make sense to use the value selected in the installer (I wonder if that can be done)

it seems to me, that “Autocorrect Metadata from Discogs Server” ignores the “Is Compilation” Flag.
After matching a compilation CD to Musicbrains, I ran “Autocorrect Metadata from Discogs Server” and some songs were found as singles, but the “Is Compilation” Flag wasn’t deleted.
Another test shows that the “Autocorrect Metadata from Discogs Server” is never considered

Right what is happening is that the Musicbrainz Server is considered (by me) to be more accurate and has a much better api for lookups then the Discogs Server.

So if you get a Musicbrainz match to some songs, and then later on do a Discogs match to the same songs Jaikoz does not overwrite fields that have already been filled in, only populates fields that are empty. This means the fields might not reflect the Discogs match if this has different info to the Musicbrainz match.

You can override this if you want by changing the field values in Preferences/Remote Correct/Discogs

vFmaOx zbdgnwemoxnn, adbupyhojizu, [link=]ruaqcrujczcg[/link],