SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

jaikoz won't load any music at all

First time trying out jaikoz, and I suspect I’m doing something stupid here.

first off, the environment:

CentOS Release 4.5
Linux mediabox.local #1 Wed Jul 23 17:34:19 EDT 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
java full version “1.6.0_07-b06”

I fire up jaikoz, hit the “open folder” button, select the top of my music tree, and… nothing happens. The “loading songs from filesystem” dialog box shows up for a few seconds, and then it vanishes and there’s nothing populated.

In the logs, I see:


16/08/2008 16.06.02:com.jthink.jaikoz.db.Db:createConnection:WARNING: Creating Database Connection


Aug 16, 2008 4:06:01 PM: INFO: Jaikoz has been configured with minimum heap memory of 150 Mb and maximum memory of 744 Mb
Aug 16, 2008 4:06:01 PM: INFO: Started to load files from /project/music
Aug 16, 2008 4:06:13 PM: INFO: Counted 0 files that could be loaded from /project/music
Aug 16, 2008 4:06:13 PM: INFO: Completed loading of 0 files from /project/music
Aug 16, 2008 4:06:14 PM: INFO: 0 files are loaded

And that’s just not right:


All of the files in /project/music are readable by the user jaikoz is running as… so what gives?

Is the folder a symbolic link ?

Jaikoz currently ignores symbolic links to prevent recursive loops when loading files and to deal with an issue on Linux with remotely mounted file systems with non ascii characters in the filename which are not translated properly when the file system is viewed as a remote file ystem.

[quote=paultaylor]Is the folder a symbolic link ?

Jaikoz currently ignores symbolic links to prevent recursive loops when loading files and to deal with an issue on Linux with remotely mounted file systems with non ascii characters in the filename which are not translated properly when the file system is viewed as a remote file ystem.[/quote]

Aha, yeah, that’s done it: /project/music is a symlink to /usr/local/project/music. Using the base directory name fixes the problem.

Pruning symlinks during your directory search makes sense, but you might want to make an exception for the base of the tree, or at least log an error when you’re skipping a symlink. :slight_smile:

You’re right