SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz will not load this file, but it loads ok in Itunes/Winamp .....

Jaikoz is a very powerful ID3 Tag editor, but ID3 is a very complicated standard and can be used in many way, sometimes in invalid ways that can cause problems for some programs and not others. We take robustness seriously and would love Jaikoz to work with every single file ever created, but it simply isn’t possible to check every single combination.

If you have a problem with a particular file send it to and we aim to identify the problem within a couple of days and fix the problem within the week.

Sorry - I deleted my files before I read this post, but I can tell you that there is a problem with some files that have corrupt images. It exits in an inellegant way :).

A problem with loading mp3s with corrupt images has been fixed and release today (Jaikoz 1.3.1)

I have several albums that seem to load fine into other tag programs, MusicIP, and play correctly but are reported as corrupt by Jaikoz. The file format is flac and the Jaikoz program version is 2.1.0 (latest).

Hi Im not aware of any problems reading flac files, could you send me one of the files please for testing, so I can check it out.

I can’t seem to get anything to upload. How would you like me to send you the file? I also have a print screen of the error message.

Hi there is a problem with the forum that it desnt allow file uploads, I will be upgrading the forums in the near future, but please just email me at

I ran into this problem as well and discovered that the issue was the presence of id3v2 tags. Removed idv32 tags and the Jaikoz (and Flac) no longer saw these as corrupt.


Thanks for posting, yes you are right Jaikoz doesnt support Flac files with and ID3 header at the start, this isnt supported by flac either but appears to be common practise. Ive already added this as a priority minor fix, see